Built on Unreal Engine, Core aims to make game development accessible to the masses

Who would you say Core, as a development platform, is for?
This is one of the most important questions. We truly feel every video game player has the potential to be a creator, but until now, the barrier to entry has just been too high. To make a game takes months, if not years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions). Core changes all of that. With Core, a single creator can create and publish an entire MMO, for free, in their spare time; we actually have examples of this from our open alpha. This has the potential to completely change how games are made and shared, the same way YouTube changed how videos are made and shared. We have seen a game made by a 14-year old in Sweden, who would have otherwise never had the opportunity to create, and who might otherwise never have thought of themselves as a game creator. 
Can you shed some light on the range of community creators Core has gotten thus far?
CEO Frederic Descamps:
Core’s community is one of the most important elements of what we do. Our community is welcoming, collaborative, supportive and, of course, extremely creative. Core has welcomed many types of creators to date: complete newcomers, indie developers, experienced modders, artists, non-technical folks, students, and more. One of the most exciting developments so far is the very vibrant, diverse, and international community of creators that have made Core their game creation platform; we have folks from over 40 different countries, and many of them are new to game creation and have no technical background. We have also seen a lot of experienced creators coming from the Roblox, Fortnite Creative, and Minecraft communities.



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