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Age-related differences in recovery from inhalational anesthesia: a retrospective study.
方 法
这是一个横断面研究。根据世卫组织针对亚洲人口的BMI分类,纳入将近90名受试者,并将其分为30名正常体重,30名超重和30名肥胖组,其年龄范围从18至25岁。腰围和臀围用伸缩带测量。使用标准公式计算两个新指标 - 锥度指数和腹部体积指数。使用Physiopac-Medicaid系统记录ECG和脉搏波。统计分析使用SPSS 19.0软件完成。进行ANOVA检验以比较三组间的变量。Pearson相关系数用于建立变量之间的相关性。
结 果
结 论
Varrshine Ravikumar1, Hemamalini Ramasamy Vajravelu2 , et al. Correlation of Adiposity Indices with Electrocardiographic Ventricular Variables and Vascular Stiffness in Young Adults.[J] Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jun, Vol-11(6): CC21-CC24
Introduction: Excess adiposity constitute an important public health problem because of the associated increased risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other disorders. Not only the contribution of general measures of adiposity but also central measures of adiposity have been observed.
Aim: To compare and correlate the central and general adiposity indices with ventricular electrocardiographic variables and vascular stiffness indices in normal, overweight and obese young adults.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Nearly ninety subjects were enrolled and were divided into 30 normal weight, 30 overweight and 30 obese group based on the BMI classification of WHO for Asian population with their age ranging from 18-25 years. Waist and hip circumferences were measured using stretchable tape. Two novel indices-conicity index and abdominal volume index were calculated using standard formula.ECG and pulse wave were recorded using the Physiopac – Medicaid systems. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 19.0 software. ANOVA test was done to compare the variables among three groups. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were applied to establish the correlations between variables.
Results: In our study Body Mass Index (BMI) and Conicity Index (CI) was significantly and strongly correlated with the ventricular electrocardiographic variables especially with QRS duration, QTc interval and with vascular stiffness indices. These indices can be used to assess the electrocardiographic abnormalities and vascular stiffness status.
Conclusion: Excess adipose tissue in young adults was closely linked to ventricular depolarization and repolarization abnormalities and also to increased vascular stiffness. Adiposity indices in particular (BMI, CI) provide a simple and non invasive approach to assess these abnormalities at the earliest in order to prevent future complications.