研究之路从来都不是一条直线| 伦敦求学记2018

图片来自谷歌,搜索关键词为:what you think it is and what it actually is+ line



What makes you feel part of a (research/academic) community? 


My Research Journey

it is not linear, actually very messy,  because it take turns.

So there are three keywords for you to know me, I like travel, read, eat

I did my MA here in psychology of education- IOE.

London is such a great place, here different cultures are closer.

I was very influence by an idea from Dewey-learning by doing.

And my experience to work in a Montessori school (蒙台梭利学校)is a lifeturning point

The student-centred approach is very impressive.

I was thinking about comparing UK&US in collaborative learning(合作学习) when I started my PhD research. I had been a part of teach, due to my own experience.

But now I am focusing on critical pedagogy in Higher education.

It is about the purpose of higher education.

what the university think of education themselves?

Due to the marketisation, sometimes the purpose is reduced to get a job.

US has a long history of marketisation, but UK is lately changed.

But obviously it has fundamentally affected people here.

I read Michael Apple so it made me wondering:

Can education change society?

Can education make a difference in the world?

I kept my reading further in critical pedagogy(CP) figures:

CP- Freire, Giorux, McLaren, Kincheloe

I also engaged in staff student partnership(SSP) here in UCL.

UCL ChangeMakers does affect UCL staff and students.

In the project, you are supposed to have a staff partner (supposed to support you doing a research, but staff partner are mainly just getting catering, booking rooms.

UCL is leading a transformative journey towards research-based education.

It is related to a ladder of citizen participation:

8 citizen control

7 delegated power

6 partner

5 placation

4 consultation

3 informing

2 therapy

1 manipulation

Get to know more here: http://www.citizenshandbook.org/arnsteinsladder.html

I encourage you all take a part in it. It is very important. And from my experience, I benefited a lot from engaging in UCL Change Maker.

The reason I started the peer mentor group is because I always wanted one when I was at my first year.

So I decided to create a space that students can make friends.

Because it is difficult for PhD students to keep up with people.

And I really want newcomers to know that they are welcome and there is a group to help.

As for becoming an academic, you need:


doing research-

publishing in journal-


I have been teaching in MA what is education for long, and the way I get in is also due to UCL Arena exchange curriculum(Arena programe). UCL provides training for PhD students who apply it. And after the training, you will get a certifcate to prove your higher education fellowship.

doing research-

As for my own research, it is mainly qualitative. I interviewed some self-identifying critical pedagogues (just in case people say they are CP as but they don’t think they are CP).

In my research, we see disconnection between theory(belief) and  practice. And my work is about:


what does this tell us about CP in practice?

what factors might be influencing teachers implementing in practice?

Conference (social event, new ideas):

Jump in opportunity you run into, that is how I get to know the critical pedagogy conference. I overheard someone talking about it.

Time management:

The idea of research plan (in April, the goal you have achieved, look ahead to the next year)

think about first year I want to achieve this, second year I want to achieve this…

Career Service

Both UCL and IOE career service provide academic career planning in the DSDP course, and it will also help you in getting a job afterwards.


Q: how to deal with the method and theory?

A: Do not work backwards to justify my method unless you are doing a ground theory

Q: could you recommend some books about the gap between what people think and what they actually do?

A: Breunig (2009) talked about the disparity between beliefs and practice, and it is related to psychological element (identity formation).

In addition, there are some tips I would like to hear if I am starting out:

1.Doing a PhD isn’t just about your thesis

2.priorities depend on what you want to do after PhD

3.learn to say 'np’ to some experiences and opportunities- something i am still working on

Writing for your future career, not only for your thesis:

Reading, research&writing

1 procrastination

2 writing while you do your research?

3 keeping a research journal?(how you go from A to B to C to your current status- reflection)

4.when do you stop reading and starting researching?

5.when do you stop researching and start writing?


(this is hard for everyone.__even staying in at professor role for 20 years)

words of wisdom

·You get out what you put in

.This is your PhD, which means that you need to make choices you are happy with, and you need to do the work!

(emphany— wait she doesn’t know everything about me)

.it’s just a PhD- it deosnt have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to cover everything

.you will do more after you PhD, so save some of your great ideas!



My thoughts are as follows:

A research community for me is like a group of people who share common interest meet regularly at certain time.

For example, the geography education researchers in IOE get together per month to have a an-hour KIT(keep in touch). Then the next hour will be someone doing presentations, and research students can participate and apply to present, it is called GER (geography education research) seminar. Sometimes the supervisor suggest we do this before upgrade, so that we get helpful feedback. It is kind of closed group and very structured. They always have a year plan but it is still very flexible.

In addition to monthly internal seminar, there are also national symposium every July, organised by GEReCo (Geography Education Research Collective). There are other two GEReCo symposium holding on in other universities, but IOE always get early July one. And every two years ( maybe three years) they hold a international conference in the name of IGU-CGE UK Committee in middle April so that international scholars can come to IOE after the GA (Geography Association) Annual Conference.

From the above case, I would argue:

1.a regular meet (priority routine to put in calendar)

2.your voice is listened by participants (and get real feedbacks)

The two are vital to feel you are in the active community. It is really a privilege that you can read the manuscripts and brilliant new ideas.

That is why I am trying to learn from the way how GER works out into a peer study group(PSG). Some of the Chinese MPhil peers tried to maintain this study group in January. And we are still running it every two weeks (always Sunday afternoon 2pm at IOE library group study room, but recently we found empty classrooms are better). So currently we have 8 regular members, and every two weeks we have 4 peer present in 25 minutes. It is not saying every two weeks you have to come and present, you get to present once every month, it can be your readings recently or your latest doubts. So if you are there(at least there will be four), you need to participate and give critical feedback and constructive suggestions (if you are at the right position).

I am currently organising it, and last time we invited Lauren to be our guest speaker. One month ago, we also invited a graduated doctoral student to share her experience of funding and research.

One thing I find in maintaining a research community is even we try to make it open but it is still closed. When I was imagining a community, I sometimes feels there are fences stopping outsiders. Like PSG, we did not mean that, but we are not sure how to make sure international friends do not feel it is too pushy. After all, it is voluntary.

So if you are reading this line, thanks a lot for bearing with me. I would love to discuss with you more on how to build up a online research community.

