





Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1960. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shandong Art College in 1985 and from the eighth oil painting workshop of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. After the Shandong Province Museum of Fine Arts as an associate professor of creative department.

His works won the 1991'Japanese Artists' Association Award' , the Silver Award of the National Art Exhibition and were displayed in Zhongnanhai, Beijing; the 'Chinese Oil Painting Art Award' of the Second Chinese oil painting exhibition in 1994 and was published in the 'New Room of Art' in the United States;

and the 'Excellent Works Award of the Eighth Oil Painting Workshop' in 1995. In 1995, as a member of the Chinese oil painters' delegation, he went to the United States, Canada and held an exhibition of 'Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Art' in New York and Los Angeles.

In 1996, he participated in the 'modern Chinese oil painting' traveling exhibition in Japan and collected for the Fukuoka Museum of art.

At the age of six, he is said to have suffered permanent scars on his face and impaired memory after being hit by a loaded van.

Young and injured Jianjun hiding in a world of silent painting, his disaster inspired his paranoid pursuit, his pain created his keen artistic creativity. His works are deep, subtle and antique, emitting a constant artistic charm.

Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1960. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shandong Art College in 1985 and from the eighth oil painting workshop of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1996. After the Shandong Province Museum of Fine Arts as an associate professor of creative department.

His works won the 1991'Japanese Artists' Association Award' , the Silver Award of the National Art Exhibition and were displayed in Zhongnanhai,

Beijing; the 'Chinese Oil Painting Art Award' of the Second Chinese oil painting exhibition in 1994 and was published in the 'New Room of Art' in the United States; and the 'Excellent Works Award of the Eighth Oil Painting Workshop' in 1995.

In 1995, as a member of the Chinese oil painters' delegation, he went to the United States, Canada and held an exhibition of 'Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Art' in New York and Los Angeles.




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