【Jessie老师电台No.961】《Anna’s Special Friends 安娜的特别朋友》
Anna安娜有很多的朋友,他们很特别,特别在什么地方呢?安娜喜欢她的这些特别的朋友们,在别人眼中,她也是那样特别!So, what's special about them? 请听故事。
1. My name is Anna. 我叫安娜。
2. This is our school. 这是我们的学校。
3. Peter is fat. 彼得长得胖。
4. Chiam is short. 奇亚姆长得矮。
5. I think Chiam is very interesting. 我觉得奇亚姆很有趣。
6. When he talks, children laugh at him. 他说话时,小朋友们就笑话他。
7. Kiki doesn’t know how to read. 琪琪不会阅读。
8. She is always shy. 她总是很害羞。
9. I think Kiki is a good painter. 我认为琪琪是个很好的画家。
10.I really hate it when people say bad things about others. 我真的不喜欢人们说别人的坏话。
11.I believe we should respect and love each other as we are. 我相信我们应该尊重和爱彼此原来的样子。
12.I think we should all get along with each other. 我认为我们都应该和睦相处。
13.I hate to speak ill of others. 我讨厌说别人的坏话。
14.Do you? 你呢?
15.So do I. 我也是。
16.Shall we make friends? 我们能做朋友吗?
17.Sure. 当然。
18.We are all good friends. 我们都是好朋友。