日课|英文故事:The Young Owl


The Young Owl

Once there lived a young owl. All around him, the older owls could hoot. “Whoo, hoo, hoo!” they cried from the trees. But the young owl could not hoot yet. He was not old enough.
He tried and he tried to hoot. He took a deep breath through his beak. He blew out air. But he didn’t make a sound. The other owls laughed at him. “I will never be able to hoot,” the owl said sadly.
His mother said, “Wait and see, little owl. Very soon, you will have your grown-up voice. Then, you will hoot.”
One evening, months later, the young owl awoke in his tree. He opened his eyes to see a crow flying straight toward him. “Who, hoo, hoo are you?” he hooted. The crow flew away. The owl flew after him, hooting happily all the while. His mother had been right!
  1. owl 猫头鹰

  2. hoot 鸣叫

  3. take a deep breath 深吸一口气

  4. beak 鸟嘴;喙

  5. blow out 吹出

  6. make a sound 发出声音

  7. wait and see 等着看;等着瞧

  8. grown-up 成人的

  9. awake 醒来

  10. all the while 一直

Why is the young owl happy at the end of the story?
a. because he can fly
b. because he can hoot
c. because he can blow out air
d. because he is too young
Now it's your time to open your mouth and follow me! 张开嘴巴跟着录音练起来!


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