
一、  有机合成中常见的类

Acetal 缩醛 [化]乙缩醛, 乙缩醛二乙醇

acetyl- 乙酰

Acetylide 炔化物

acid 酸

Active hydrogen compounds 活泼氢化合物

Acyl azide 酰叠氮

Acyl chloride 酰氯

Acyl cyanide 酰腈

Acyl fluoride 酰氟

Acyl halide 酰卤

Acyl iodide 酰碘

Acyl peroxide 酰基过氧化物

Acyl  bromide 酰溴

Acyl tosylate 酰基对甲苯磺酸酐

Acyloin 偶姻

Aglycon 苷元

-al 醛

alcohol 醇

Alcohol 醇

Aldehyde hydrate 醛水合物

Aldehyde 醛

-aldehyde 醛

Aldimine 醛肟

Aldimine 醛亚胺

Alditol 糖醇

Aldol 羟醛

Aldose 醛糖

aldoxime 硝酮

Alicyclic compound 脂环化合物

Aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物

alkali- 碱

Alkane 烷

Alkene 烯

alkoxy- 烷氧基

Alkyne 炔

Alkyl halide 卤代烷

Allene 丙二烯

Allophanate 脲基甲酸酯

allyl 丙烯基 '

Amide 酰胺

-amide 酰胺

Amidine 脒

-amidine 脒

Aminal 缩醛胺

Amine oxide 氧化胺

Amine 胺

-amine 胺

Amino acid 氨基酸

amino- 氨基的

-ane 烷

anhydride 酐

anilino- 苯胺基

aquo- 含水的

-ase 酶

-ate 含氧酸的盐、酯

-atriyne 三炔

Azine 嗪

azo- 偶氮

benzene 苯

Betaine 甜菜碱

bi- 在盐类前表示酸式盐

bis- 双

-borane 硼烷

bromo- 溴

butyl 丁基 .

-caboxylic acid 羧酸

Cage compound 螺烷

Carbamate 氨基甲酸酯

Carbammic acid 氨基甲酸

-carbinol 甲醇

Carbobenzoxy chloride 苄氧甲酰氯

Carbodiimide 碳二亚胺

Carbohydrate 碳水化合物

Carbon acid 碳氢酸

Carbon suboxide 二氧化三碳

carbonyl 羰基

Carboxylic acid 羧酸

Catenane 索烃

Cumulene 累积多烯

Cellosolve 溶纤剂

centi- 10-2

chloro- 氯代

cis- 顺式

condensed 缩合的、冷凝的

Crown ether 冠醚

Cyanamide 氨腈

Cyanohydrin 羟腈

cyclo- 环

Cycloalkane 环烷

deca- 十

deci 10-1

Detone 酮

Diazoalkane 重氮烷

Diene 双烯

-dine 啶

Dithiane 二噻烷

Diyne 二炔

dodeca- 十二

Enamine 烯胺

-ene 烯

Enol ester 烯醇酯

Enol ether 烯醇醚

Enol 烯醇

Enyne 烯炔

epi- 表

Epoxide 环氧化物

epoxy- 环氧

Ester 酯

-ester 酯

Ether 醚

-ether 醚

ethoxy- 乙氧基

ethyl 乙基

fluoro- 氟代

form 仿

Furanose 呋喃糖

Glucoside 葡[萄]糖苷

Glycidic acid 环氧丙酸

Glycol 二醇

-glycol 二醇

Glycoside 糖苷

hemi- 半

Hemiacetal 半缩醛

hendeca- 十一

hepta- 七

heptadeca- 十七

hexa- 六

hexadeca- 十六

Homoallylic alcohol 高烯丙醇

Hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物

Hydantion 乙内酰脲

Hydrazide 酰肼

Hydrazone 腙

-hydrin 醇

hydro- 氢或水

hydroxyl 羟基

hypo- 低级的,次

-ic 酸的,高价金属

-ide 无氧酸的盐,酰替 胺,酐

-il 偶酰

Imide 二酰亚胺

imine 亚胺

-imine 亚胺

Inner salt 内盐

iodine 碘

iodo- 碘代

iso- 异,等,同

Isonitrile 异腈

-ite 亚酸盐

Ketal 缩酮

Ketene 乙烯酮

Keto ester 酮酸酯

keto- 酮

Ketone hydrate 酮水合物

ketone 酮

Ketose 酮糖

Lactam 内酰胺

Lactol 内半缩醛

Lactone 内酯

-lactone 内酯

Macrolide 大环内酯

Mannich base 曼尼希碱

mega- 106

Mercaptan 硫醇

meta- 间,偏

methoxy- 甲氧基

methyl 甲基

micro- 10-6

milli- 10-3

mono- ( mon-) 一,单

nano- 10-9

N-bromo compound N-溴化物

Nitro compound 硝基化合物

Nitrile oxide 氧化腈

Nitrile 腈

nitro- 硝基

nitroso- 亚硝基

nona- 九

nonadeca- 十九

octa- 八

octadeca- 十八

-oic 酸的

-ol 醇9 a$ f! Q, H: [5 n& G

Oligosaccharide 寡糖

-one 酮

ortho- 邻,正,原

orthoester 原酸酯

Osazone 脎

-ous 亚酸的,低价金属

oxa- 氧杂

-oxide 氧化合物

Oxime 肟

-oxime 肟

oxo- 酮

oxy- 氧化

-oyl 酰

para- 对位,仲

Paraffin wax 石蜡

penta- 五

pentadeca- 十五

Peptide 肽

per- 高,过

Peracid 过酸

Perester 过酸酯

petro- 石油

phenol 苯酚

phenyl 苯基

pico- 10-12

Pinacol 频哪醇

poly- 聚,多

Polysaccharide 多糖

Propellane 笼型化合物

Pyranose 吡喃糖

quadri- 四

Quaternaryammonium com-pound 季铵化合物

quinque- 五

rotaxane 轮烷

Rused ring 索烃

Saccharide 糖类

semi- 半

Semicarbazone 缩氯基脲

septi- 七

sesqui 一个半

Spirane 环烯

sulfa- 磺胺

Sulfone 砜

Sulfonic acid 磺酸

Sulfoxide 亚砜

Super acid 超酸

sym- 对称

syn- 顺式,同,共

ter- 三 -

tetra- 四

tetradeca- 十四

tetrakis- 四个

thio- 硫代

thio- 硫代

Thioester 硫代酸酯

Thiol acid 硫羰酸

trans- 反式,超,跨

trans- 反式,超,跨

tri- 三

tri- 三

trideca- 十三

Triene 三烯

tris- 三个

undeca- 十一 .

uni- 单,一

unsym- 不对称的,偏位

Urea 脲

Wax 蜡

-yl 基

-ylene 撑(二价基,价在不同原子上)

Ynamine 炔胺

-yne 炔

Zwitterions 两性离子


1,4-addition 1,4-加成

Absolute configuration 绝对构型

Abstraction 夺取[反应]

Achiral 非手性[的]

Acid form 酸式

acid(ic) solvent 酸性溶剂

Acid-base catalyzed reaction 酸碱催化反应

Activating group 活化基团

Acyl cation 酰[基]正离子

Acyl rearrangement 酰基重排

Acylation 酰化

Acyloin condensation 偶姻缩合

Acylolysis,acyl cleavage 酰基裂解

acyloxyation 酰氧基化

Addition-elimination mechanism 加成消除机理

Additive dimerization 加成二聚

Alcoholysis 醇解

Aldol condensation 羟醛缩合

Alkylation 烷基化

Alkylidene group 亚烷基

Alkylolysis,alkyl cleavage 烷基裂解

Allyl group 烯丙基

Allylic halogenation 烯丙型卤化

Allylic hydroperoxylation 烯丙型氢过氧化

Allylic migration 烯丙型迁移

Allylic migration 烯丙型重排

Allylic 烯丙型[的]

Alternant hydrocarbon 交替烃

Ambident 两可[的]

Amination 氨基化

Aminomercuration 氨汞化

Aminomethylation 氨甲基化

Amphi position 远位

Angular methyl group 角甲基

Anionic cleavage 负离子裂解

Anionic cycloaddition 负离子环加成

Anionotropic rearrangement 负离子转移重排

Anionotropy 负离子转移

Annulation,annelation 增环反应

Anomer 端基[差向]异构体

Anomeric effect 端基异构效应

Antarafacial reaction 异面反应

Anti conformation 反式构象

Anti periplanar conformation 反叠构象

Antiaromaticity 反芳香性

Anti-Markovnikov addition 反马氏加成

Anti-Zaitsev orientation 反札依采夫定向

Apofacial reaction 反面反应

Arenium ion 芳[基]正离子

Aromatic nucleophilic substitu-tion 芳香亲核取代

Aromatic sexter 芳香六隅

Aromaticity 芳香性

Aromatization 芳构化

Aryl cation 芳正离子

Aryl group 芳基

Arylation 芳基化

Asymmetric atom 不对称原子

Asymmetric carbon 不对称碳

Atropismer 阻转异构体

Autoxidation 自氧化

Auxochrome 助色团

Axial bond 直[立]键

B strain 后张力

Backside attack 背面进攻

Banana bond 香蕉键

Basic solvent 碱性溶剂

Benzilic rearrangement 二苯乙醇酸重排

Benzyl group 苄基

Benzylic cation 苄[基]正离子

Benzylic 苄型[的]

Benzyne 苯炔

Bimolecular base-catalyzed alkyl-oxygen cleavage 双分子碱催化烷氧断裂

Bimolecular base-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage 双分子碱催化酰氧断裂

Bimolecular electrophilic substi-tution 双分子亲电取代

Bimolecular elimination through the conjugate base 双分子共轭碱消除

Bimolecular elimination with for-mation of a carbonyl group 双分子羰基形成消除

Bimolecular elimination 双分子消除

Bimolecular nucleophilic sub-stitution 双分子亲核取代

Bimolecular nucleophilic substi-tution(with allylic rearrange-ment) 双分子亲核取代(含烯丙型重排)

Bimolecular reduction 双分子还原

Bisamination 双氨基化

Bisecting conformation 等分构象

Boat conformation 船型构象

Borderline mechanism 边理机理

Bredt rule 布雷特规则

Briddgehead displacement 桥头取代

Bridged-ring system 桥环体系

C- alkylation C-烷基化

Cahn-Ingold-Prelon sequence 顺序规则

Carbalkoxylation 烷氧羰基化

Carbanion 碳负离子

Carbene 卡宾

Carbenoid 卡宾体

Carbyne 碳炔

Carboamidation 氨羰基化

Carbocation 碳正离子

carbonylation 羧基化

Carboxylation 羧基化

Catalytic dehydrogenation 催化脱氢

Catalytic hydrogenation 催化氢化

Cationotropic rearrangement 正离子转移重排

Chair conformation 椅型构象

Chelation 螯环化

Chiletropic reaction 螯键反应

Chiral center 手性中心

Chiral molecule 手性分子

Chiral 手性[的]

Chirality 手性

Chlorocarbonylation 氯羰基化

Chlorosulfenation 氯亚磺酰化

Chlorosulfonation 氯磺酰化

Cholromethylation 氯甲基化

Chromophore 生色团

Cine substitution 移位取代

Cisoid conformation 顺向构象

Cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构

Common ring 普通环

Condensation 缩合

Configuration 构型

Conformation 构象

Conformational effect 构象效应

Conformational inversion 构象反转

Conformational transmission 构象传递

Conformational 构象分析

Conformer 构象异构体

Conjugate addition 共轭加成

Conjugate base 共轭碱

Conjugate base 共轭酸

Conjugated-system 共轭体系

Conjugation 共轭

Conrotatory 顺旋

Coordinate-covalent bond 配位共价键

Counrer[gegen]ion 反荷离子

Coupling reaction 偶联反应

Cram’s rube 克拉姆规则

Cross aldol condensation 交叉羟醛缩合

Cross conjugation 交叉共轭

Cross-coupling reaction 交叉偶联反应

Cyanoethylation 氰乙基化

Cyanomethylation 氰甲基化

Cyclization 环化

Cycloaddition 环加成

Deactivating group 钝化基团

Deamination 脱氨基

Decarbonylation 脱羰

Decarboxamidation 脱酰胺

Decarboxylation 脱羧

Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧卤化

Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧硝化

Decyanation 脱氰基

Decyanoethylation 脱氰乙基

Dehalogenation 脱卤

Dehydrohalogenation 脱卤化氢

Delocalezed bond 离域键

Demethylation 脱甲基化

Deoxygenation 脱氧

Deselenization 脱硒

Desulfonation 脱磺酸基

Desulfurization 脱硫

Dextro isomer 右旋异构体

Diamagnetic ring cruuent 抗磁环电流

Diastereomer 非对映[异构]体

Diastereotopic 非对映异位[的]

Diaxial addition 双直键加成

Diazo transfer 重氮基转移

Diazonium coupling 重氮偶联

Diazotization 重氮化

Dielectric constant 介电常数

Diels-Alder reaction 第尔斯-尔德反应

Diene synthesis 双烯合成

Dienophile 亲双烯体

Dimerization 二聚

Dipolar addition 偶极加成

Disroatatory 对旋

Dissolving metal reduction 溶解金属还原

D-L system of nomenclature D-L命名体系

Double bond migration 双键移位

E isomer E异构体

Eclipsed conformation 重叠构象

Eclipsing effect 重叠效应

Eclipsing strain 重叠张力

Electrical effect 电场效应

Electrochemical oxidation 电化学氧化

Electrochemical reduction 电化学还原

Electrocyclic rearrangement 电环[化]重排

Electrofuge 离电体

Electron donof-acceptor complex,EDAcomplex 电子给[体]受体络合物

Electron transfer 电子转移

Electron-donating group 给电子基团

Electron-Withdrawing group 吸电子基团

Electrophile 亲电体

Electrophilic addition 亲电加成

Electrophilic aromatic substitu-tion 亲电芳香取代

Electrophilic rearrangement 亲电重排

Electrophilic substitution 亲电取代

elimination -消除

-elimination -消除

Elimination-addition 消除-加成

Enantiomer 对映[异构]体

Enantiotopic 对映异位[腯

Endo addition 内型加成

Endo isomer 内型异构体

Ene synthesis 单烯合成

Enolization 烯醇化

Envelope conformation 信封[型]构象

Epimer 差向异构体

Epoxidation 环氧化

Equatorial bond 平[伏]键

Erythro configuration 赤型构型

Erythro isomer 赤型异构体

Esterification 酯化

Ethanolysis 乙醇解

Ethylation 乙基化

Exhaustive methylation 彻底甲基化

Exo addition 外型加成

Exo isomer 外型异构体

F strain 前张力

Field effect 场效应

Fischer projection 费歇尔投影式

Flash pyrolysis 闪热裂

Fluxional structure 循变结构

Forbidden transition 禁阻跃迁

Formylation 甲酰化

Fragmentation 碎裂

Gauche conformation, skew con-formation 邻位交叉构象

Guest 客体

Half-chair conformation 半椅型构象

Haloalkylation 卤烷基化

Haloform reaction 卤仿反应

Hammond postulate 哈蒙德假说

Helical molecule 螺旋型分子

Heterogeneous hydrogenation 多相氢化

Heterolysis 异裂

Heterolytic michanism 异裂机理

Heterotopic 异位[的]

Hofmann’s rule 霍夫曼规则

Homoaromaticity 同芳香性

Homochiral 纯手性[的]

Homogeneous hydrogenation 均相氢化

Homolog 同系物

Homologization 同系化

Homolysis 均裂

Homosigmatropic rearrangement 同迁移重排

Homotopic 等位[的]

Host 主体

Huckel’rule 休克尔规则

Hydroacylation 加氢酰化

Hydroboration 硼氢化

Hydrocarboxylation 氢羧基化

Hydroformylation 加氢甲酰基化

Hydrogenolysis 氢解

Hydrometallation 氢金属化

Hydroxyalkylation 羟烷基化

Hydroxylation 羟基化

Hydroxymethylation 羟甲基化

Hyperconjugation 超共轭

I strain 内张力

Imine-enamine atutomerism 亚胺-烯胺互变异构

Inductive effect 诱导效应

Initiation 引发

Insertion 插入

Intermediate 中间体

Internal abstraction 内夺取[反应]

Internal nucleophilic substiru-tion 分子内亲核取代

Internal return 内返

Inverse isotope effect 逆同位素效应

Inversion 反转

Ion pair 离子对

Ipso position 本位

Isoinversion 等反转

Isomerism 异构[现象]

Isoracemization 等消旋

Isovalent hyperconjugation 等价超共轭

Keto-enol tautomerism 酮-烯醇互变异构

-ketol rearrangement -酮醇重排

Ketyl radical 羰自由基

Kinetic acidity 动力学酸度

Kinetic control 动力学控制

Laevo isomer 左旋异构体

Large angle strain 大角张力

Large ring 大环

Leaving group 离去基团

Leois structure 路易斯结构

Linear free energy 线性自由能

Lithiation 锂化

Magnetically anisotropic group 磁各向异性基团

Markovnikov’s rube 马尔科夫尼科规则

Masked carbanion 掩蔽碳负离子

Mechanism 机理

Medium rimg 中环

Mercuration 汞化

Meso compound 内消旋化合物

Mesomeric effect 中介效应

Meta directing group 间位定位基

Meta position 间位

Michael addition 迈克尔加成

Microscopic reversibility 微观可逆性

Migration 迁移

Migratory aptitude 迁移倾向

Mirror symmetry 镜面对称

Mitallation 金属化

Mobius system 默比乌斯体系

Molecular orbiral method 分子轨道法

N-alkylation N-烷基化

Neighboring group effect 邻基效应

Neighboring group participation 邻基基参与

Neighboring proup assistance,anchimeric assistance 邻助作用

Neoman projection 纽曼投影式

Nitration 硝化

Nitrene 氮宾

Nitrosation 亚硝化

No-bond resonance 无键共振

Non-alternant hydrocarbon 非交替烷

Non-bonded interaction 非键相互作用

Nonclassical carbocation 非经典碳正离子

Nucleofuge 离核体

Nucleophile-assisted unimolecu-lar electrophilic substitution 亲核体协助单分子亲电取代

Nucleophilic reaction 亲核反应

Nucleophilicity 亲核体

Nucleophilicity 亲核性

O- alkylation O-烷基化

Octahedral compound 八面体化合物

Optical activity 光学活性

Orinentation 取向

Ortho effect 邻位效应

Ortho position 邻位

Ortho-para directing group 邻对位定位基

Oxidative decarboxylation 氧化脱羧

Oxo process 羰基合成

Oxonolysis 臭氧解

Oxyamination 羟氨基化

Oxymercuration 羟汞化

Para position 对位

Paramagnetic ring current 顺磁环电流

Partial bond fixation 键[的]部分固定化

Partial rate factor 分速度系数

Pauling electronegativity scale 鲍林电负性标度

Peri position 近位

Pericyclic reaction 周环反应

Phantom atom 虚拟原子

Phase-transfer catalysis 相转移催化

Phenol-keto tautomerism 酚-酮互变异构

Phenyl group 苯基

Photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排

Photoisomerization 光异构化

photooxidation 光氧化

Photosensitization 光敏化

Pinacol rearrangement 频哪醇重排

Pitzer strain 皮策张力

Plane of symmetry 对称面

Polarizability 可极化性

Prelog’rule 普雷洛格规则

Primary isotope effect 一级同位素效应

Prochirality 前手性

Pro-R group 前R基团

Pro-S proup 前S基团

Prototropic rearrangement 质了转移重排

Prototropy 质子转移

Pseudoasymmetric carbon 假不对称碳

Pseudorotation 假旋转

Puckered ring 折叠环

Push-pull effect 推拉效应

Pyrolytic elimination 热解消除

Quasi recemate 准外消旋体

Racemic compound 外消旋化合物

Racemic mixture 外消旋混合物

Racemic solid solution 外消旋固体溶液

Racemization 外消旋化

Radical anion 自由基负离子

Radical cation 自由基正离子

Radical ion 自由基离子

Re face Re面

Reactive intermediate 活泼中间体

Rearrangement 重排

Reductive acylation 还原酰化

Reductive alkylation 还原烷基化

Reductive dimerization 还原二聚

Regioselectivity 区域选择性

Regiospecificity 区域专一性

Resonance effect 共振效应

Resonance 共振

Restricted rotation 阻碍旋转

Retention of configuration 构型保持

Retro Diels-Alder reaction 逆第尔斯-阿尔德反应

Retrograde aldol condensation 逆羟醛缩合

Retropinacol rearrangement 逆频哪醇重排

Ring clsure 环合

Ring contraction 环缩小[反应]

Ring expansion,ring enlargement 扩环[反应]

Ring-chain tautomerism 环-链互变异构

Rotamer 旋转异构体

R-S syytem of nomenclature R-S命名体系

Saponification 皂化

Seco alkylation 断裂烷基化

Secondary isotope effect 二级同位数效应

Selenylation 硒化

Semipinacol rearrangement 半频哪醇重排

Si face Si面

Sigmatropic rearrangement -迁移重排

Silylation 硅烷[基]化

Single electron transfer 单电子转移

Skew boat conformation 扭船型构象

Small-angle strain 小角张力

Smally ring 小环

Solvated electron 溶剂化电子

Solvent effect 溶剂效应

Spiro compound 螺环化合物

Spiroannulation 螺增环

Staggered conformation 对位交叉构象

Stereocelectivity 立体选择性

Stereochemical orientation 立体[化学]取向

Stereochemistry 立体化学

Stereoisomerism 立体异构[现象]

Stereospecificty 立体专一性

Steric effect 空间效应

Steric hindrance 位阻

Substitution 取代

Substrate 底物

Sulfenylation 亚磺酰化

Sulfonation 磺化

Sulfonylation 磺酰化

sulfurization 硫化

Symmetry factor 对称因素

Symmetry forbidden-reaction 对称禁阻反应

Synclinal conformation 反错构象

Synclinal conformation 顺错构象

Synfacial reaction 同面反应

Synperiplanar conformation 顺叠构象

tautomerism 互变异构

Tautomerization 互变异构化

Tetrahedral configuration 四面体构型

Therm odynamic acidity 热力学酸度

Thermodynamic control 热力学控制

Threo configuration 苏型构型

Threo isomer 苏型异构体

Torsion angle 扭转角

Torsional effect 扭转效应

Transacetalation 缩醛交换

Transamination 氨基交换

Transannular insertion 跨环插入

Transannular interaction 跨环相互作用

Transannular rearrangement 跨环重排

Transannular strain 跨环张力

Transesterification 酯交换

Transfer hydrogenation 转移氢化

Transoid conformation 反向构象

Trigonal carbon 三角型碳

Trigonal hybridization 三角杂化

Trimefization 三聚

Twist conformation 扭型构象

Umbrella effect 伞效应

Unimolecular acid-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage 单分子酸催化酰氧断裂

Unimolecular acid-catalyzed alkyl-oxygen cleavage 单分子酸催化烷氧断裂

Unimolecular electrophilic sub-stitution 单分子亲电取代

Unimolecular elimination through the conjugate base 单分子共轭碱消除

Unimolecular elimination 单分子消除

Unimolecular nucleophilic 单分子亲核取代

Valence bond method 价键法

Valence tautomerism 价互变异构

Vinylog 插烯物

Walden inversion 瓦尔登反转

Z isomer Z异构体

Zaitsev rule 札依采夫规则

α-effect α-效应

π-allyl complex mechanism π烯丙型络合机理


Part 1: 反应前的装置描述
1.1: A 3 L three-necked round bottom flask equippedwith mechanical stirrer (or magnetic stirrer), addition funnel andthermometer (or Dean-Stock; drying tube)
1.2: All flasks used in the reaction were heatedunder vacuum for 30 minutes and purged with N2 for 10 minutes. (无水反应装置)
Part 2: 加料
2.1: 不同的顺序和表达
2.1.1: A 3 L three-necked round bottom flaskequipped with mechanical stirrer (or magnetic stirrer), addition funneland thermometer (or Dean-Stock; drying tube) were charged with A
(10 mL, 1 mole), B (2 g, mole) and C (50 mL), a solution of D (10 g, 1 mole) in E (20 mL)was added dropwise (via addition funnel or syringe) at 10oC (or whilemaintaining gentle reflux; while keeping inner temperature between 10oC –30oC) under N2 (液体滴加到反应液中) D (10 g, 1 mole) was added in portionsduring a period of 1 hr (固体分批加入到反应液中) D (10 g, 1 mole) and E (20 mL) were addedin turn
2.2: To a solution (mixture, suspension orslurry) of A (10 mL, 1 mole) and B (2 g, mole) in C (50 mL)
2.2.1: was added dropwise a solution of D (10 g, 1mole) in E (20 mL) with stirring at 10oC (or while maintaining gentlereflux; while keeping inner temperature between 10oC – 30oC) under N2
2.2.2: was added D (10 g, 1 mole) in portions duringa period of 1 hr
2.2.3: were added D (10 g, 1 mole) and E (20 mL) inturn
2.3.1: A solution of D (10 g, 1 mole) in E (20 mL)was added dropwise into a solution (mixture or suspension) of A (10 mL, 1mole) and B (2 g, mole) in C (50 mL) at 10oC (or while maintaining gentlereflux; while keeping inner temperature between 10oC – 30oC) under
2.3.2: D (10 g, 1 mole) was added into a solution(mixture or suspension) of A (10 mL, 1 mole) and B (2 g, mole) in C (50mL) in portions
2.3.3: D (10 g, 1 mole) and E (20 mL) were addedinto a solution (mixture or suspension) of A (10 mL, 1 mole) and B (2 g,mole) in C (50 mL) in turn
2.4.1: A solution of BuLi or BH3/THF (10 mL, 1 mole,2.5 M in hexane) was cannulated into addition funnel or into a solution Ain solvent B
2.4.2: A solution of BuLi or BH3/THF (10 mL, 1 mole,2.5 M in hexane) was added into a solution of A in solvent B via cannula,dropping funnel or syringe over a period of hrs
Part 3: 反应
3.1: 无溶剂反应
A (1 g, 1 mol) and B (1 g, 1 mol) were dissolved insolvent C, evaporated to dryness and heated for x hours at x oC
3.2: 催化量的反应
A (20 mL, 142 mmol) and catalytic amount (a traceamount or two drops) of B were added into a solution of C (4.549 g, 46.4mmol) in D(120mL) at 0 oC
3.3: 闷罐反应或封管反应
A solution of A (x g, x mol) in methanol (x mL)saturated with NH3 (or other gas such as: CO, CO2, H2S) was stirred under50 Psi at x oC for x hours in a 50 mL of sealed tube or autoclave.
3.4: 有气体参与的反应
3.4.1: A solution of A (x g, x mol) in methanol (xmL) saturated with HCl was stirred at x ℃.
3.4.2: Ozone was bubbled into a solution of A (x g,x mol) in MeOH (x mL) at x oC for 15 minutes. After excess O3 was purgedby N2, Me2S (x mL) was added at x oC.
3.4.3: Gas was bubbled into a solution of A (x g, xmol) and B (x g, x mol) in solvent C (x mL) at x oC for x hours.
3.5: 混合溶剂参与的反应
3.5.1: To a solution of A (x g, x mol) in a mixtureof solvent B (mL) and solvent C (x mL) (or a mixed solvent of B and C) wasadded D (x g, x mol) at x oC, the reaction mixture was allowed to stir(reflux or heat) for x hrs.
3.5.2: To a solution of A (x g, x mol) in 10: 1aqueous acetone (x mL) was added B (x g, x mol) followed by addition of C(x g, x mol), the reaction mixture was allowed to stir (reflux or heat)for x hrs.
3.6: 分水器分水的反应
3.6.1: A (x g, x mol) and B (x g, x mol) in benzeneor toluene (x mL) were refluxed for x hours with azeotropical removal ofwater.
3.6.2; A mixture of A, B and TsOH.H2O (56.91 g, 0.3mol) in toluene (400 mL) was heated to reflux and remove water byDean-Stark trap.
3.7: 氢化反应
To a solution of A (x g, x mol) in EtOH (x mL) wasadded Pd-C or Ra-Ni or Pd(OH)2/C (10%, x g) under N2. The suspension wasdegassed under vacuum and purged with H2 several times.
3.7.1: The mixture was stirred under H2 (x psi) at x℃ for x hours. [氢化瓶或高压釜]
3.7.2: The mixture was stirred under H2 balloon at x℃ for x hours. [常压氢化如气球反应]
3.7.3: A mixture of A (x g, x mol) and Ra-Ni (x g)in EtOH (x mL) was hydrogenated under 50 Psi of hydrogen pressure for xhours at room temperature.
Part 4: 反应条件或过程描述
4.1: The reaction mixture (solution or suspension)was stirred at 5oC for 2 hrs and then kept at room temperature (or ambienttemperature) for another 2 hrs (or overnight)
4.2: The reaction mixture (solution or suspension)was refluxed (heated to reflux) or heated at 60oC for 2 hrs (or overnight)
4.3: The reaction mixture (solution or suspension)was allowed to reflux (or heat to reflux) for 2 hrs (or overnight)
4.4: The reaction mixture (solution or suspension)was allowed to warm to temperature during 2 hrs and reflux (or heat toreflux) for 2 hrs (or overnight)
Part 5: 反应监测
5.1: Taking sample from the reaction mixture(solution or suspension) by dropping tube or syringe. After workup, checkthe reaction via TLC, LC-MS or HPLC etc.. (预处理)
5.2: 反应状态或终点描述
5.2.1: The reaction was complete (incomplete ormessy) detected (determined or confirmed) by TLC (PE/EtOAc 4:1), LC-MS,HPLC or NMR
5.2.2: TLC (PE:EtOAc=1:1) or HPLC (107757-088-1)showed or indicated that the reaction was complete.
5.2.3: TLC (PE:EtOAc=1:1) or HPLC (107757-088-1)showed the starting material was consumed completely.
5.2.4: TLC (PE:EA=1:1) or HPLC (107757-088-1) showedthe reaction didn’t work at all or most of starting material was stillremained.
5.2.5: The starting material was consumedcompletely, but no desired compound was detected or determined by MS(106657-078-1) or LC-MS (106657-078-1).
5.2.6: Several spots were shown on TLC.
5.2.7: Only a trace amount of desired compound wasdetected by MS (106657-078-1) or LC-MS (106657-078-1) or HPLC(106657-078-1) or TLC (PE:EtOAc=1:1).
5.2.8: The desired compound could not be isolated,separated or purified by chromatography or prep. HPLC due to poor yield orpoor solubility.
5.2.9:1H NMR (106675-010-2) or MS confirmed theobtained (or isolated) compound is not the desired compound. The reactionwas failed.
Part 6: 反应淬灭
6.1: An aqueous solution of A (10 mL) was addeddropwise into the reaction mixture once the reaction mixture (solution orsuspension) was allowed to warm (or cool) to -5oC or room temperature(ambient temperature).
6.2: The hot (or cold) reaction mixture (solution orsuspension) was poured into water (ice water) or poured onto ice.
6.3: The reaction mixture (solution or suspension)was concentrated (distilled) under reduced pressure (in vacuum) orevaporated to remove MeOH (THF; DMF etc.) or excess SOCl2 (reagent). Thenthe reaction residue (or the residual) was diluted with solvent and pouredinto water (ice water) or poured onto ice.
Part 7: 分液提取
7.1: The residue was partitioned between ethylacetate (100 mL) and 1N aq. HCl (50 mL). The separated organic layer waswashed with water, dried over (Na2SO4 or MgSO4) and evaporated to dryness.
7.2: After quenching the reaction, the reactionmixture was poured into separatory funnel and separated.
7.3: The aqueous layer (or phase) was extracted withorganic solvent (40 mL) twice (or X times). The combined organic layerswere (or the organic layers were combined and) washed with an aqueoussolution of A (50 mL) or water and dried over Na2SO4 or MgSO4.
7.4: The combined aqueous layers were extracted withsolvent (40 mL) twice (or X times) to remove neutral impurities. Theaqueous phase was acidified (or basified) with aqueous HCl (or NaHCO3)till PH = X and extracted with organic solvent.
7.5: The combined organic layers were (or theorganic layers were combined and) washed with an aqueous solution of A (50mL) or water and dried over Na2SO4 or MgSO4.
Part 8: 浓缩蒸发
8.1: After filtration via filter paper or Celitepad, the organic layer (or extract) was concentrated under reducedpressure (or in vacuum) or evaporated to dryness to provide (afford; giveor yield) an oil (or foam) (which solidified on standing) or a white solid.
8.2: The organic layer (or extract) was filtered andconcentrated under reduced pressure (or in vacuum) or evaporated todryness to provide (afford or give) A (10 g, 0.5 mole) an oil (or foam)(which solidified on standing) or a white solid.
8.3: After removal of solvent by evaporation orconcentration, A (10 g, 0.5 mole) was obtained (or prepared) an oil (orfoam) (which solidified on standing) or a white solid.
8.4: The extract in CH2Cl2 was evaporated to drynessand then swapped with toluene to remove residual CH2Cl2.
Part 9: 几种常见的后处理描述
9.1: The reaction mixture or solution wasconcentrated to dryness. [适用于反应液不需要quench]
9.2: After the reaction mixture was cooled to 0 ℃, the reaction mixture was quenched by addition of xmL of H2O, followed by x mL of 15% aqueous NaOH. After being stirredat room temperature for x hour, the solid was removed by filtration (orthe mixture was filtered
through Celite pad to remove by-product). Thefiltrate was concentrated to dryness to give crude product. [LiAlH4 反应的经典后处理]
9.3: The mixture was diluted with water (x mL),neutralized with solid K2CO3 until no CO2 was evolved. [适用于酸性反应液的后处理]
9.4: The suspension was filtered through a pad ofCelite or silica gel and the pad or filter cake was washed with EtOH (xmL×x). The combined filtrates were concentrated to dryness to give product(x g, x%) as. [适用氢化反应的后处理, 或者难于过滤的反应液的后处理, 但
9.5: The reaction mixture was poured into x mL ofice-water carefully and the organic layer or phase was separated. [产物在有机相里]
9.6: The reaction mixture was poured into x mL ofice-water carefully and the aqueous phase was washed with Et2O (x mL×x) [产品在水相] and acidified with 1NHCl to pH=3. The resulting precipitate was collected by filtration or theresulting solution was extracted with EA
(x mL×x).
9.7: The reaction mixture was filtered and thefilter cake was washed with x mL of solvent, dried in vacuum to give orafford product. [这里需要的是固体而不是滤液]
9.8: The reaction mixture was quenched with x mL ofsaturated aqueous NH4Cl. The resulting solution was extracted with EA (xmL×x). [适用于丁基锂等活泼金属有机物的后处理]
9.10: The residue was triturated with ether andfiltered to afford a white solid. (磨碎)
9.11: The crude product was purified by prep. HPLCto give A as a colorless thick oil which was solidified on standing. (静止固化)
9.12: After prep. HPLC purification, the eluent wasconcentrated or evaporated to remove organic solvents. The residualaqueous solution was lyophilized to give a white solid. (冷冻干
9.13: After concentration, the crude product wasused directly for the next step without purification.
Part 10: 产品的纯化
10.1: The crude product was purified by silica gelchromatography eluted with PE: EtOAc=10:1 to give product (x g, x%) as yellowsolid.
10.2: The crude product was purified byre-crystallization (or recrystallized) from x solvent (x mL).
10.3: The crude product was distilled in vacuum (xoC, x pressure) to afford pure product (x g, x%) as colorless liquid.
10.4: The crude product was pre-purified by columnchromatography followed by prep. HPLC purification or re-crystallizationto afford pure product.


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