日常口语错误 大家一起来找茬 Can or Can't | Let's be Correct!



Describing what you can and can’t do

Can you find the mistake?

1. When I was a child, I learn to swim.

2. She decide to join the sports club.

3. Yes, but I don’t very like swimming.

4. We want join the languages club.

5. Yes, I good at riding a bike.

6. She joins sports club.

7. I can playing the violin.

8. I can’t play the violin. Me too.

9. What do you good at?

10. I can play computer game.

Enhancement(拓 展)


1. 美音最大的特点就是有卷舌音,而英音没有卷舌音的。基本所有单词中,字母r之前的元音都卷舌,比如first,early等,美国人发音就把舌头上卷,而英音读起来舌头是伸平的。

2. 美国英语听起来比较圆润(所以有时会不够清晰),那是他们卷舌音多。英音听起来比较清晰利索。

3. 美国英语比较夸张,如doctor中的O的发音,美国人就念成【a】所以就有了常见美国人的 Oh! my Gad[音a].



6.辅音 d 的发音。英音听起来有点气的感觉。这是因为英音发音时舌尖放在上下排牙齿之间。美音则是顶一下上齿龈。

总体听起来,在语调上: 美音的语调较平缓, 而英音却跌宕起伏, 且语速较快。 据统计, 美国人的语速为一分钟约150字, 而英国人将近200字。


Check Your Answers

1. When I was a child, I learn to swim.

When I was a child, I learned to swim. 

2. She decide to join the sports club.

She decides to join the sports club. 

3. Yes, but I don’t very like swimming.

Yes, but I don’t really like swimming. 

4. We want join the languages club.

We want to join the languages club. 

5. Yes, I good at riding a bike.

Yes, I’m good at riding a bike. 

6. She joins sports club.

She joins the sports club. 

7. I can playing the violin.

I can play the violin. 

8. I can’t play the violin. Me too.

I can’t play the violin. Me neither. 

9. What do you good at?

What are you good at? 

10. I can play computer game.

I can play computer games.

 Which mistake do you usually make?

★ 编辑:刘洋




