

Without waiting for a reply, he hustled her out the door and through a maze of corridors to the self--service canteen. They’d just got their coffee and moved to sit down when Mick suddenly looked up and muttered,”Oh... oh.Here comes trouble!”

Dinah looked up at the new arrival with a casual interest that quickened as she took in his lithe, catlike walk and the sheer magnetism that seemed to surround him. Dark wavy hair with reddish highlights seemed to accentuate his tanned but still fair complexion. He was, she decided immediately, extraordianarily handsome , although not in any conventional way. His features were rough-hewn, craggy and strong. A high -bridged nose that looked as if it had been broken at least once overshadowed a wide, generous mouth that now was thin--lipped with anger and his eyes were such a pale taupe shade they seemed almost colourless.

As he approached the table, Dinah could see that his shoulders were disproportionately broad for the leanness of his hips, yet he seemed to be all of a piece, an impression perhaps aided by the well--cut and obviously expensive three--piece business suit in a subdued houndstooth pattern. His pale eyes rested briefly on Dinah as he reached them, roving over her body with a seemingly careless indifference. Then they returned to the silent Mick Johnstone, and pale fires glimmered before the man spoke.

Dinah tensed unconsciously, waiting for the outburst of the rage she could sense lay coiled within the taupe--eyed stranger. But his voice was softly gentle despite the evident anger as he nodded his head in a curt gesture to Mick.

“In the office...now!”

Mick stammered into what was  obviously intended as an introduction.”Er...Conan...I’d like you to ...”



他不等她回答,就推着她到了门外,穿过迷宫般的走廊,来到了自助餐厅。他们刚端到咖啡,准备坐下来,这时米克突然抬起头,然后嘟囔着:“噢……噢   麻烦来了!”


当他走近桌子时,戴娜可以看到他的肩膀与他瘦削的臀部相比显得不成比例地宽阔,但他看起来又是一个整体,这个印象可能是因为他的裁剪得体,很明显昂贵的一套柔和色彩的格子三件套商业套装的衬托。当他走到他们跟前的时候,他的苍白的眼睛短暂地在戴娜身上扫过,看似冷漠又漫不经心地看了一眼她的身体。然后,他看着沉默的米克 约翰斯通,还没等约翰开口,无名的怒火已经在燃烧。






There was a flatness to the command which brooked no further comment.Then the man turned on his heel and strode out of the canteen without so much as a glance to where Dinah sat in open--mouthed surprise.She looked at Mick, who was gulping hastily at his coffee and already half--way to his feet.

"Welcome to the newsroom," he said with a selfconscious shrug ."Now I'd better get in there before the boss really blows his cool. You'd better give him a few minutes to chew on me before making your appearance , or you might learn some new words. He's obviously not in the best of moods."

He lurched out of his chair and scuttled off down the corridor, unnoticing of Dinah walking quickly in his wake. She couldn't keep up without actually running , and was delayed briefly in shifting through a group of people having a highly vocal discussion in the middle of one corridor , so Mick was already inside the newsroom with the door closed when Dinah arrived. Pausing for breath, she could hear part of what had obviously become a flaming row inside.

"...leave you alone for a minute... out hustling some chickie..."

"But  I didn't..."

"I don't bloody well care who she is..."

Mick's quickly thwarted attempts to speak were easy enough to follow, but Dinah found the thickness of the door enough to blur many of his accuser's deadly soft words. It was obvious, however, that Mick was geeting the worst of the argument, and without even thinking about it Dinah thrust open the door and strode into the argument .

"Who the hell are you?"

The man lost none of its peculiar softness, but the anger in his grey eyes struck her like a blow.

" I'm...I'm..." She was stammering , quite unaccountably, when Mick broke in.






