【火腿故事】人物 | 鲁弗斯特纳,W3LF——美国历史上第一个​非洲裔业余无线电爱好者


Article Profiles First African-American Radio Amateur, Rufus Turner, W3LF


The computer hardware/software/do-it-yourself blog Hackaday has profiled Rufus Turner, W3LF (ex-K6AI) — the first African-American radio amateur and one of the more fascinating personalities in US history. Born on December 25, 1907, in Houston, Texas, Turner “became fascinated by crystal diodes and published his first article about radio when he was 17,” according to Hackaday. He went on to build what Hackaday described as “then the world’s smallest radio set” in 1925, while still a teenager.


In the day when radio amateurs still were allowed to broadcast, W3LF became the first radio station licensed to an African-American. He broadcast with a 15 W in Washington, DC, and operated another radio station for his church.

在无线电业余爱好者仍然被允许进行广播的时期,W3LF成为第一个授权给一个非洲裔美国人广播电台。他用15 W功率在华盛顿特区广播,同时还经营他教会的另一个电台。

Working with Sylvania in the 1940s, Turner helped to develop the 1N34A germanium diode. And in 1949, he wrote “Build a Transistor” for Hugo Gernsback’s Radio-Electronics magazine (May 1949 issue, p 38) — at a time when transistors (aka “crystal triodes”) not only were cutting edge but not commercially available. His meticulously described project involved the sacrifice of two 1N34A diodes.

在19世纪40年代,特纳和Sylvania一起合作开发了1N34A 锗二极管。1949年,他写道:在当时晶体管(又称“晶体三极管”)不仅前沿且还无进入商业用途时就发表文章”建一个晶体管” ,该文章发表在《雨果·根斯巴克的无线电电子杂志》(1949年5月发行,38页)。他详细地描述了该项目,甚至包括报废了两个1N34A 二极管的细节。

In January 1950, his article, “A Crystal Receiver with Transistor Amplifier” appeared in Radio and Television News, along with plans for a three-transistor radio. This was in the days before such things had begun to appear on the market.


While he had attended Armstrong Tech in Washington, DC, and he became a licensed professional engineer, he veered into the non-technical sphere of academe later in his life, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English, and in 1960 — at age 52 — he became an English professor at California State College, where he’d obtained his BA. He pursued a PhD in English at USC, with his thesis analyzing the life and literary output of 18th century romantic Charlotte Turner Smith.

在华盛顿特区,他加入过阿姆斯特朗技术公司,成为有执照的专业工程师,之后他转向了非技术领域的学术生活中,并获得英语文学学士和硕士学位,1960 年,52岁的他成为了他的母校加州州立大学一名英语教授。他以论文《分析18世纪浪漫的生活和文学作品特纳史密斯》获得南加州大学英文文学博士学位。(小编:神一样滴大叔)

He taught until 1973, but continued to write electronics articles. He died in 1982, the same year his The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics appeared in print. — Thanks to Hackaday, Southgate Amateur Radio News, Radio-Electronics



