












个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。







During the reign of Emperor Guang Xu, the economy of Fujian (the "Min Province" referred to by the Qing government) was not developed. Therefore, it was enough to make small silver coins for circulation. There was no need for large silver coins. Moreover, the silver coins needed in Fujian were all supplied by Guangdong Province. The journey was a long way and it took time to travel. Therefore, Fujian authorities ordered Sun, an Anhui businessman, to use the funds raised to purchase mint coins ("stock purchasing machine"), set up a Minjiao Coin in Fujian, and try to mint small silver coins in imitation of Guangdong silver coins. After receiving the Ministry of official documents, businessmen are not allowed to pay shares and make their own money. Therefore, it is proposed that the Fujian squire and Sun Bao ("Sun Bao" may have coined small silver coins in the name of "Sun Yun", and should be the same person) be appointed to handle the matter. The private banknote bureau was set up in Fujian to deal with the aftermath, and the bureau and the Salt Road Department raised funds to continue casting.

The front of this piece of Guangxu Yuanbao is along the periphery of the outer ring, decorative stripes are in the shape of teeth, and there are polka dots and beads arranged evenly. Inside the pearl ring, there are four big characters of traditional script of "Guangxu Yuanbao" engraved on the upper part of the middle of the pearl ring and the toothed stripes, and there are six traditional Chinese characters of "Kuping, seven coins and two fen" engraved on the lower part of the two rings. Two anti-counterfeiting dots on the left and right. The back and front sides are also engraved with delicate and uniform teeth decorative stripes, unlike the front sides, there are no bead ring dots and words in the middle, and engraved with a dragon which symbolizes the dignity of the emperor. This dragon is lifelike in shape, surrounded by auspicious clouds and blossoms, which symbolize good luck. The surrounding dragon was engraved with English characters, indicating that at that time China had been in line with foreign countries politically and economically. There was a bulging anti-counterfeiting circle under the Yuan Pao, and the outer circle on the back was in English, and was engraved with "7" and "2" Arabic numbers, with small ornaments on both sides.

Among all the Chinese coins with dragon patterns, Guangxu silver coins made by the Fujian authorities are the most exquisite in workmanship, the most perfect in carving and the strongest in relief sense. The mirrors are smooth and the lines of inertia of the decorative patterns are very clear. The coins in this series are beautifully minted, with deep lines of characters, lines of veins and teeth. This collection is made by the Fujian government. The whole collection is very intact. The surface of the collection is mellow and thick. The regular script and calligraphy are extremely exquisite. The shelf structure is balanced and unfolded. It is of great collection value and ornamental value. At present, the investment market of Guangxu Yuanbao is hot and the market is booming. The collection is rare and has great investment value.

