[第395次听写]神秘的复活节岛为什么叫Easter Island呢?
我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持1年多了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~
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1 When the first people arrived here 1,000 years ago, Easter Island was a paradise, thought to be richer in wildlife than even the Galapagos.
当第一批居民大约1000年前来到这里时, 复活节岛是一个天堂, 野生物种的丰富性超过了Galapagos岛
2 Back then, its hills were cloaked with a forest of giant palms.
那时候, 它的山上铺满了巨型的棕榈树森林
3 It was also home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the South Pacific.
4 Initially, life must have been easy for the Easter Islanders, the Rapa Nui.
最开始, 生活肯定是比较容易的, 对于复活节岛上的居民
5 And with time on their hands, they set to work carving huge stone statues known as moai.
因为手上有时间, 所以他们开始去雕刻巨型的雕塑, 被称之为moai
6 Before long, each clan was trying to carve larger, grander figures than those of their neighbours…competition that was to be their undoing.
没过多久, 每一个部落都在试图雕刻更大的, 更雄伟的塑像…这场竞争最终导致了他们的覆灭
1 When the first people arrived here 1,000 years ago, Easter Island was a paradise, thought to be richer in wildlife than even the Galapagos.
当第一批居民大约1000年前来到这里时, 复活节岛是一个天堂, 野生物种的丰富性超过了Galapagos岛
Easter Island=n 复活节岛
属于智利(Chile), 岛上有20米高的巨型石像, 有1000年之久
Easter=n 复活节
为什么叫Easter Island呢? 请看下边解释
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