Ivan Alifan 肖像艺术绘画作品






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Ivan Alifan,最大的激情是绘画艺术,因为“它使艺术家创造了不可能...”。因此,他在这个世界上继续创造着一个一个的可能。Ivan的每一个作品,具有独特的eyevan签名。Eye是眼睛,van是自己的名,代表着“美的概念在旁观者”,因每个人都有不同的美的感知眼。



Ivan Alifan, the greatest passion is the art of painting, because 'it makes the artist create the impossible... '. So he went on to create one possibility after another in the world.

Each of Ivan's Works has a unique eyevan signature Eye is the Eye, van is his own name, stands for 'the concept of beauty in the spectator' , because everyone has a different perception of beauty

'I hope my work will open your eyes and Change your outlook and attitude towards life... ' Ivan said. 'Art is an imaginative image that transcends perception and creativity. Art is a combination of the past,

the present and the future that can define your life. Painting can be used as an artist to express his own strengths and weaknesses, while each stroke constructs a story, a life, a passion.

To own a work of art is to transcend the physical canvas itself and to own time.

