第19卷 第9期 电 机 与 控 制 学 报 Vol. 19 No.92015年9月 Electric Machines and Control Sep 2015
王斯博 赵慧超 李志宇 王晓旭
摘 要研究了电动车传动系统谐振的特点推导了电动车传动系统谐振方程论证了永磁同步电机转矩波动引起整车低速抖动的机理。建立了气隙谐波磁场产生转矩波动的数学模型揭示了永磁同步电机转矩波动的频率与幅值特性。根据电动汽车低速谐振特性与同步电机转矩波动幅频的对应特点并且针对国内外少有文献对车用电机转矩波动测试方法进行分析的现状搭建了转矩波动动态测试台架通过试验验证了转矩波动频次分析的正确性同时为了弥补波动动态测试会产生幅值及相位失真的不足提出一种新型静态堵转测试方法为电动汽车用永磁同步电机提供了准确的转矩波动测试评价手段。
DOI 10 15938/jemc201509014
中图分类号TM 306 文献标志码A 文章编号 1007449X201509009508
Analysis and test for torque ripple of permanent magnetsynchronous motor for electric vehicle
WANG Si-bo ZHAO Hui-chao LI Zhi-yu WANG Xiao-xu
Electric Vehicle DeptFAWD CenterChangchun 130011 China
AbstractThe characteristic of powertrain torsional vibration was studied in an electric vehicle the mathe-matical equation of powertrain torsional vibration was built and the reason was that the electric vehiclepowertrain resonates with motor’ s torque ripple in low speed condition Then the model of torque rippledue to non-sinusoidal magnetic field distribution was built and the orders and frequencies of torque rip-ple in PMSM permanent magnet synchronous motorwere analyzed According to the relationship be-tween the torsional vibration in low-speed of the electric vehicle and the frequency of motor torque ripplefor the situation that there were few literatures on analyzing the torque ripple and test method of PMSM inelectric vehicles a dynamic torque ripple test bench was built The correctness of the torque ripple fre-quency analysis is verified by testingMeanwhile in order to make up the amplitude and phase distortioncaused by the dynamic test a new locked-rotor static method for torque ripple test was proposed It pro-vides an accurate means of testing and evaluation for the torque ripple of PMSM in electric vehiclesKeywordselectric vehicle powertrain torsional vibration permanent magnet synchronous motor torqueripple torque ripple test
收稿日期 20140625
基金项目中央企业电动车产业联盟共性技术合作项目驱动电机系统评价技术 JS308
作者简介王斯博1986— 男硕士工程师研究方向为车用动力电机系统测试评价技术
赵慧超1977— 男硕士高级工程师研究方向为车用动力电机系统设计
李志宇1986— 男学士助理工程师研究方向为动力电机系统测试评价技术
王晓旭1986— 女硕士助理工程师研究方向为动力电机系统测试评价技术。