
今年“双十一”最终成交额锁定在2135亿元(GMV totaled 213.5 billion yuan),相比于2009年的5200万元成交额,增长超过4100倍。

相比去年增长约27%(a nearly 27 percent year-on-year rise)。在2分05秒,成交额超100亿(surpassed RMB 10 billion)。

26分03秒,突破500亿,比去年将近快了15分钟(almost 15 minutes faster compared with 2017)
11日15点49分39秒,成交总额突破1682亿元,轻松超越去年全天的成交额。(easily beating last year's figure of 168.2 billion yuan)

物流订单突破10亿(The number of delivery orders surpassed a billion)

10亿物流订单大致相当于美国20天的包裹量(roughly equivalent to the US 20-day parcel)。
10亿包裹连接起来,长度足以绕地球赤道7圈多(long enough to circle the Earth's equator more than seven times)。

自2009年以来,11月11日这一天被阿里巴巴成功运作成了24小时网络购物节(turned the day into a 24-hour bonanza of online shopping)。

事实上在2012年“双11”就超越了Cyber Monday(‘网购星期一’,美国感恩节过后的星期一),成为全球最大的在线购物节。

而在过去的几年里,双11的交易额已经超过了黑色星期五和网络星期一的总和(more than Black Friday and Cyber Monday's totals combined)。

背景音乐:Glee Cast - Hall Of Fame (Glee Cast Version)
Japan, the United States and South Korea were the top three countries from which Singles Day shoppers bought products this year.
The United States remained in the No. 2 spot despite the trade war that broke out between the Trump administration and Beijing this year. Alibaba Executive Chairman Jack Ma said in September that the conflict with China's largest trade partner is hurting the company's business.
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