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Left Lateral Table Tilt for Elective Cesarean Delivery under Spinal Anesthesia Has No Effect on Neonatal Acid-Base Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
方 法
择期剖宫产的健康妇女随机(非盲)分入脊髓麻醉(高比重布比卡因12 mg,芬太尼15μg,无防腐剂吗啡150μg)后仰卧水平(仰卧,n = 50)或手术台倾斜15°组(倾斜,n = 50)。鞘内注射后予乳酸林格氏液10 ml/kg 和去氧肾上腺素静脉滴注维持至100%基础收缩压。主要结局是脐动脉血碱剩余。
结 果
脐动脉血碱剩余或pH组间无差异。仰卧位组(n = 50)平均脐动脉血碱剩余(±SD)为-0.5 mM(±1.6),倾斜组为-0.6 mM(±1.5)(n = 47)(P = 0.64)。脊髓麻醉后15min内仰卧位组平均去氧肾上腺素需求量增大(P = 0.002),平均心输出量降低(P = 0.014)。
结 论
Lee A J, Landau R, Mattingly J L, et al. Left Lateral Table Tilt for Elective Cesarean Delivery under Spinal Anesthesia Has No Effect on Neonatal Acid-Base Status: A Randomized Controlled Trial[J]. Anesthesiology, 2017.
BACKGROUND: Current recommendations for women undergoing cesarean delivery include 15° left tilt for uterine displacement to prevent aortocaval compression, although this degree of tilt is practically never achieved. We hypothesized that under contemporary clinical practice, including a crystalloid coload and phenylephrine infusion targeted at maintaining baseline systolic blood pressure, there would be no effect of maternal position on neonatal acid base status in women undergoing elective cesarean delivery with spinal anesthesia.
METHODS: Healthy women undergoing elective cesarean delivery were randomized (nonblinded) to supine horizontal (supine, n = 50) or 15° left tilt of the surgical table (tilt, n = 50) after spinal anesthesia (hyperbaric bupivacaine 12 mg, fentanyl 15 μg, preservative-free morphine 150 μg). Lactated Ringer's 10 ml/kg and a phenylephrine infusion titrated to 100% baseline systolic blood pressure were initiated with intrathecal injection. The primary outcome was umbilical artery base excess.
RESULTS: There were no differences in umbilical artery base excess or pH between groups. The mean umbilical artery base excess (± SD) was -0.5 mM (± 1.6) in the supine group (n = 50) versus -0.6 mM (± 1.5) in the tilt group (n = 47) (P = 0.64). During 15 min after spinal anesthesia, mean phenylephrine requirement was greater (P = 0.002), and mean cardiac output was lower (P = 0.014) in the supine group.
CONCLUSIONS: Maternal supine position during elective cesarean delivery with spinal anesthesia in healthy term women does not impair neonatal acid-base status compared to 15° left tilt, when maternal systolic blood pressure is maintained with a coload and phenylephrine infusion. These findings may not be generalized to emergency situations or nonreassuring fetal status.
