🌍地理5⃣️ G2新学期第五课的补充材料 🗺️ Tuesday on Geographical Skills

©️ Hermione MIAO

Captured in Greenwich ( 1:17pm 28th March 2015)


(0460/13 Tue. 1h45min 8:45am)

⏳Before the first exam, G2 has 69 days to go.



(0460/23 Wed. 1h30min 8:30am)

⏳Before the exam, G2 Paper2 has 77 days to go.


Dear all,

So we need to be certain about what is paper2 before we start the content.

The GSCE course requires students to extend their locational knowledge(要求学生能够拓展“区位知识”):

(1) to develop competence in Maps, Fieldwork and Geographical Skills


(2) as they study the content of the following four areas of geography:


a. Place: processes and relationships (地方:某事件的发生过程与各要素之间的相互关系)

b. Physical Geography: processes and change (自然地理: 某事件的发生过程与演化)

c. People and Environment: processes and interactions (人与环境之间的关系/人地关系:某事件的发生过程与各要素之间的相互关系)

d. Human Geography: process and change (自然地理: 某事件的发生过程与演化)

As for these content, maps and graphics keeps coming up. So we end with a Theme 4: Geographical Skills and Investigations.






Today we talked about scale(比例尺), and in the test there will be two kinds of maps, one at 1:50000 and the other at 1:25000.

Which one contains more details?

Which one provides a general overview?

And when we know about the scales, we need to talk about how to locate them on the map. That's why we get across grid references.

Comparing to what we have learnt about this afternoon, we face a more complex version that is how we need to think about eastings(first read) and northings(second read).

And do you remember what I said in class? Hopefully not. Because I said something too absolutely. What a catastrophe! So sorry if you do pay attention to every words I say.

Anyway, we can go over this again. Thanks to the Internet.Sorry I have no time machine to correct it, so i will do it here.



Then how to read it? We go with eastings and then northings.


In Figure1, the church at Rose Hill is located at 691045(P249)

The church seats in the black dot.

It is easy to find it in a 69, and measure as 1 with the help of your ruler, so the first figures would be 691.

Then it is also easy to find its northings is between 04 and 05, which means it is 04 (if it is between 05 and 06, it is always 05), if you measure it with your ruler, you will find the last figure as 5( if it is a 6 you measure, so it is 045).

So one more practice on this:


1.4cm means it is at 7/10 between the two whole, that is why the eastings goes as 757. The similar way we adapt in northings, it is measured as 1.6cm, so the last three figures would be 028.

So one quick quiz:

What is the six-figure reference of church at Davis Town?

(You can find the answer on page 249)

Does this process reminds you of the way we do decimal? That's it, and you just need to know we include the decimal.


Then we move to the direction part, which is mainly about compass points. You can figure it out with your protractor. One advice for you is to check the direction when you have the test, if it's not given, then it has the hidden rule that north is on the upper side, why?

Because we live in the North Hemisphere, and the majority of human( including British who set a large amount of rules in plotting maps) live in the same hemisphere as we do.

Today we starts relief and gradient, so it is what I assume most difficult part. That is why I will provide you some pictures and links for you to preview since I am horrible at drawing pictures. (我们今天简单提了一下地形的起伏与等高线)

The sliver lines are what we call contour lines.

That is the full version of what I draw today on the blackboard.


Sorry for making mistakes and being so nervous, because this is the real part requires your skills most. So do feel free to point out my mistakes next time. I know I am not perfect, I am a horrible teacher, but you are talented and smart teenagers, right?

Could you do me a favour by telling me I am not speaking clearly or say something wrong?



Night 53/365 Year 2017

By the way, since choose Paper 4 rather than Coursework3, hope you will be happy with my oral mistake by mentioning it in a week after paper 2, because actually you have extra 20 days to go.


(0460/43 Tue. 1h30min 8:30am)

⏳Before the exam, G2 Paper4 has 104 days to go.


