昨晚,小试牛刀,找了篇话题,帮着大家复习小作文的写作思路。很多同学反馈说:“你终于良心发现了,不只是记得卖书了。”我看到这条评论时,哈哈大笑了半天。其实,之前真的已经解释过很多遍了,今天也还是要再说一遍:英语整体的课程安排和复习节奏,都是前紧后松,目的是给政治和专业课、数学的考前冲刺留出时间。如果我们真的在考前安排了一堆英语课,甚至用什么点题、点睛、预测等虚伪但很吸睛的字眼来渲染焦虑、忽悠你们再报班听课,我们就真TM不是东西。而且,还有同学傻了吧唧、明明报了班,课却不怎么听,但每天都跟着一个公众号练个长难句,就觉得是陪伴了。脑子what了?这样的思维能力,我真是无语了,因为很明显,课程内容更综合、更系统。所以,冲刺阶段,英语建议复习之前的课程,依然很重要。如果你做题正确率突然下滑,就别再做很多新题了,复习之前做过的题,尤其是之前做正确的题,巩固正确的解题方法是根本。话不多说了,今天10分钟,复习一篇课上讲过的预测作文。Directions: Write an open letter, in the name of the Students’ Union, to encourage students in your university to refuse wasting and practice thrift.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letterand use the Students’ Union instead. Do not write your address. (10 points)亲爱的同学们:学生会正在策划各种活动来激发一些传统美德。今天,这封公开信的目的是倡导节约。与过去相比,浪费这种现象在校园里更严重了一些:水、食物、金钱和时间在日常生活中不再被珍惜。正是这种忽视导致了一些年轻人丧失了节约并尊重他人辛勤劳动的意识。因此,我们应该采取行动来改变这种趋势,例如洗完关水龙头、离开房间时关灯、每天努力、在食堂中珍惜食物等。请考虑我们的建议,我们期待着大家的行动和参与。学生会如果你有时间,就别只是看看。还可以根据汉语思路,自己写英文,然后对照参考范文查找差别,专门背写差别之处。
Dear classmates,The Students’ Union is planning various activities to inspire traditional virtues. And today, this open letter is for the purpose of advocating thrift.Compared with the past years, the phenomenon of wasting is more serious on campus: water, foods, money and time might not be cherished any more in daily life. It is this neglect that causes some youngsters to lose the awareness of saving and respecting others’ hard work. Accordingly, it is advisable for us to take actions to reverse this trend, such as turning off the tap after washing, turning off the light when leaving, working hard every day, valuing foods in canteens.Please consider our suggestions and we are looking forward to your actions and participation.the Students’ Union新书特价满减促销中,速速下单回家路上读这本书,旅途不再寂寞