几千年前的书book thousands years ago

男人也认识到独居不好,需要一个的助手, 他能感受到助手的重要,不止是生活起居,也是心的栖所,她顺其自然静默的等待,她把婚姻的主动权给男人,她不仅因为美貌与青春,更是因信心、智慧实在的贤能善行感动他,他们为共同的信仰为取悦对方而活,他惊喜的认定她,像是他身上的骨肉身体的一部分。 
她的口是甜蜜的称赞感谢他的点滴,她的亲吻就像美酒让他沉醉,她来之不易像百合花在荆棘内,优秀和平自制纯洁,她的温情用心倾听厮守陪伴令他感动 ,她不指教男人,受丈夫束缚自由,敬重丈夫, 身体属于丈夫,他爱她就像爱自己一样。他如同苹果树在树林中,让她欢欢喜喜坐在他的荫下,尝他甘甜果子的滋味 。
爱是:恒久忍耐,有恩慈;不嫉妒;不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处, 不轻易发怒,不计算缺点,不喜欢不义, 只喜欢真理;他们的爱凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐,他们的爱是永不止息的。
Below website translate
Men also realize that alone is not good, need an assistant, he could feel the important of  theassistant, not just for daily life, also is the habitat of the heart, 
she waiting silent, she give  the right of marriage to man, not only because of her beauty and youth, but also because of the confidence, the wisdom welldoing touched him, they live for pleasing each other and for the same faith.he surprise her, same like part of the same flesh and blood from him.
Because men pursue reserved and submissive women first, they can not help but love until the morning, affectionate joy each other. Go together to the vineyard, where he will give her his love. He himself preferred to marry her.
Her mouth is sweet praise thank him little things , her kissing like wine make him drunk, she is hard to get like a lily among thorns, excellent pure peace, her warmth listen with his heart moved together with him, she doesn't teach men, bound her freedom, respect her husband, her body belongs to her husband, he loves her just like love himself. He Like an apple tree among the trees, he made her sit in his shade and taste his sweet fruit.
She: put me like a seal upon your heart, and set me like a seal upon your arm. For love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as hell .......Many waters cannot be quenched, and great waters cannot be submerged. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
Love is patient and kind. Don't envy; Do not boast, do not be arrogant, do not do shy things, do not seek their own benefits, do not get angry easily, do not calculate shortcomings, do not like injustice, only like the truth; Their love endures, trusts, hopes and endures forever.

