一个怀疑论者的冥想之旅 | 她输了一个赌注,却赢了整个人生

Stephanie made a bet with her friend that she could never muster enough patience to sit for meditation, even for ten minutes… not only did she lose the bet, she was catapulted down a path she would never have expected possible.


The Man in the Unusual Attire


This happened in 2011. One day I saw two dear friends of mine sitting still, entirely unmoving, in front of a laptop. There was no exchange of words as they watched a bearded guy with a turban and shawl speaking on the screen. The man’s attire seemed unusual* to me, so I decided to sit and watch. And I kept watching and watching. I couldn’t get enough of his piercing clarity. He seemed both ancient and yet completely modern at the same time. That was my first introduction to Sadhguru.


Hours passed as I continued to watch video after video. I was completely blown away by his logic. But what surprised me most was that he not only answered all of my unanswered questions, he also answered those questions I had buried as a child. And somewhere along the way I slowly drifted off, thinking back on the life I had been living.


Life Before Shambhavi


In my office, people were sometimes so unkind to each other. Jealousy, competition, bias – these were not unusual for the corporate world I was in. I was advised to stomach it if my boss decided to throw a tantrum, not necessarily because I did something wrong, but simply because that was the way things worked. And as much as I didn’t jive with this unspoken system, I found myself doing the very same to avoid any conflict. But I was burning in anger. I wanted a change!


A Lost Bet


Back to the bearded man. After our marathon Youtube session, I was hooked. Mesmerized. But I was still quite skeptical of the whole meditation thing. So when my friend suggested we should start practicing Isha Kriya, a 15-minute guided meditation offered by Sadhguru, I told him, “Well, you know, I don’t have the patience to sit in one place. And neither do you!” I made a bet with him that if he tried, he would not manage more than a few days of practice.

再回到那个留着大胡子的人。在我们马拉松式地看完Youtube视频之后,我完全着迷了。但我仍然对冥想持怀疑态度。因此,当我的朋友建议我们开始练习Isha Kriya——一个由萨古鲁奉献的15分钟的引导冥想时,我告诉他,“嗯,你知道,我可没耐心坐在一个地方。你也是!“ 我和他打了个赌,让他试试,我肯定他最多只能坚持几天。

To my complete surprise, when we next met, he had already finished the entire recommended 48-day cycle of practice! And he was continuing his practice.


It became common for us to hear him announce, “It’s time for my dose of Isha Kriya!” His excitement was contagious. In a short time, I could see the change in him – he had definitely become calmer, yet he had this extra spunk. His experience made me curious and I decided to see for myself what the deal was all about. So I jumped the queue and got initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya in Singapore in 2012.

我们开始经常听到他宣布,“到了我Isha Kriya的时间了!”他的兴奋很有感染力。在很短的时间内,我看到了他身上的变化——他确实变得更平静了,并且还变得更有勇气。他的经历让我很好奇,我决定亲自看看这玩意到底是怎么回事。于是,我直接“跳级”,参加了2012年在新加坡的Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya(香巴维大手印,内在工程所教授的Kriya)的开启。

First Encounter


I vividly remember the day I first saw Sadhguru. It was entirely surreal seeing this white-bearded Guru I had watched on all those Youtube videos, actually standing there in front of my eyes. I was thrilled to finally get to see him in real life. Yet there was a mixed feeling in it, of not being able to come close to him. I felt I had to earn it.


I was never the kind of person to stick to any activity consistently. I would repeatedly find myself chasing one thing, dropping it and starting after another. But to my surprise, I was consistent with Shambhavi Mahamudra. I did not miss one day of practice. And this was the turning point in my life.


Life After Shambhavi


Those 21 minutes of Shambhavi Mahamudra became the highlight of my day – it was a window for me to completely focus inward. My time with myself, and only myself. The simple practice of Shambhavi gave me a sense of inner freedom that I had always thought was something I needed to find elsewhere. Imagine finding out that it had always existed in me since day one! The clarity of thoughts that came as a result of practicing Shambhavi was something I never would have imagined. Inexplicably, tears from nowhere would catch me off guard and yet they left me in a very pleasant state within. I could see my own limitations start to surface, but there was no resistance from my side. The feeling grew stronger as the days passed and I continued the practice.

这21分钟的Shambhavi Mahamudra成为我一天中最美妙的部分——它是让我完全专注于内在的一扇窗口。是我和自己在一起的时间,只有我自己。Shambhavi的简单练习给了我一种内在自由的感觉,而我一直以为它是我需要在别处寻找的东西。想象一下,我找到了一直以来存在于我内在的东西!练习Shambhavi所带来的清晰思维也是我从未想过的。不知为什么,不知从哪里来的眼泪会让我猝不及防,让我的内在处于一种非常愉悦的状态。我可以看到自己的局限开始显现出来,而我也没有抗拒这一点。随着日子一天天过去,这种感觉越来越强烈,而我也一直坚持着练习。

After reading Sadhguru's biography, More Than A Life, all I really wanted was to do whatever I could, to share Sadhguru with as many people as possible. It came to a point where I started volunteering regularly – and I found volunteering so much more fulfilling than anything I had been doing in my corporate job.

读了萨古鲁的传记《不止一世》(More Than A Life)后,我真正想要的就是尽我所能与更多的人分享萨古鲁。我开始定期做志愿者——我发现做志愿者比我在公司做的任何事情都更有成就感。

Nothing Short of a Miracle


I knew I wanted more though. So in 2013, I did the 21-week Hatha Yoga Teacher Training at the Isha Yoga Center. In five months of daily practice of hatha yoga, the scoliosis that I had had since childhood was completely rectified. This was nothing short of a miracle. I never would have thought it possible without any medical intervention. But throwing myself into classical hatha yoga fixed me in more ways than I could ever understand. To this day, I find it extremely difficult to express this immense gratitude to Sadhguru.


Editor’s Note: Sadhguru offers Isha Kriya, a free, online guided meditation that helps bring health and wellbeing. Daily practice of this simple yet effective 12-minute process can transform one's life.

编者按:萨古鲁提供的Isha Kriya,是一个免费的在线引导冥想,帮助人们获得健康和幸福。每天12分钟练习这个简单而有效的冥想可以改变一个人的生活。



