
米氏方程(Michaelis-Menten equation): v=Vmax × [S] /(Km+[S])

在假定存在一个稳态反应条件下推导出来的,其中 Km 值称为米氏常数,Vmax是酶被底物饱和时的反应速度,[S]为底物浓度。


今天要介绍的这篇文章提出了一个算法,R包是:M3Drop , 文章是:Modelling dropouts for feature selection in scRNASeq experiments



目前已有的寻找单细胞转录组测序数据中的重要基因(feature selection)的方法都不够好,比如 scLVM 主要是根据先验基因集,比如cell-cycle or apoptosis来区分细胞。与此相反,基于 highly variable genes (HVG) 的方法挑选到的变化量大的那些基因很可能是技术带来的误差。而且低表达量基因的变动往往大于高表达量基因,而且所谓的表达变化大也并没有很好的生物学解释。
dropout是scRNASeq数据的一大特点,就是很多基因在某些细胞根本就不表达,但是在另外的细胞却高表达。这篇文章作者对全长转录本数据和基于UMI的表达量数据分别提出了对应的解决方案,Michaelis-Menten equation 和 depth adjusted negative binomial (DANB)

所以作者用Michaelis-Menten 来建模。

比较了9种 feature selection 方法,


  • by the magnitude of their loadings in principal component analysis (PCA)

  • by the strength of their most negative gene-gene correlation (Cor)

  • by their relative Gini index (Gini)

  • M3Drop dropouts-mean expression curve (M3Drop)

  • the squared coefficient of variation (CV2)

  • mean expression relationship (HVG)

  • the dispersion-mean expression relationship fit by DANB (NBDisp)

  • the dropouts-mean expression relationship fit by DANB (NBDrop).


  • differentially variable (DV) genes

  • highly variable (HV) genes

  • differentially expressed (DE) genes

单细胞转录组数据的batch effects比较严重,所以 feature selection 过程的一个主要目的就是降低技术误差的影响,集中在有生物学意义的差异上面。


作者比较了 5个公共数据集,都是小鼠的胚胎细胞,含有17~255个细胞的测序数据,包括zygote to blastocyst.

  • Tung et al. (2017) [12] considered iPSCs from three different individuals and performed three replicates of UMI-tagged scRNASeq and three replicates of bulk RNASeq for each. (GSE77288 ).

  • For Kolodziejczyk et al. (2015),we considered ESCs grown under two conditions: alternative 2i and serum for which there were three replicates of scRNASeq and two replicates of bulk RNASeq.( E-MTAB-2600 )
    对bulk转录组数据用了3种方法找差异基因,分别是 DESeq2,edgeR,limma-voom

    只有3种方法都是 5% FDR的差异基因才认为是阳性标准基因集,那些3种方法都在 20% FDR的非差异基因认为是阴性金标准。

  • 1,915 positives, and 8,398 negatives for the iPSCs

  • 709 positives and 11,278 negatives for the ESCs


第一大类是:deep sequencing of full-transcripts for a relatively small number of cells

  • Accounting for technical noise in single­cell RNA­seq experiments. Nat. Methods 10, 1093–1095 (2013).

  • Fast, scalable and accurate differential expression analysis for single cells. (2016). doi:10.1101/049734

  • Single­cell RNA­seq reveals dynamic, random monoallelic gene expression in mammalian cells. Science 343, 193–196 (2014). 14. Brennecke, P. et al. Accounting for technical noise in single­cell RNA­seq experiments. Nat. Methods 10, 1093–1095 (2013).

  • Dynamics of Global Gene Expression Changes during Mouse Preimplantation Development. Dev. Cell 6, 117–131 (2004).

  • Roles of CDX2 and EOMES in human induced trophoblast progenitor cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 431, 197–202 (2013).

第二类是:high-cell number, low-depth sequencing of 3’ or 5’ ends of transcripts tagged with unique molecular identifiers 

  • Quantification noise in single cell experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 39, e124 (2011).

  • Quantification of mRNA in single cells and modelling of RT­qPCR induced noise. BMC Mol. Biol. 9, 63 (2008).

  • ZIFA: Dimensionality reduction for zero­inflated single­cell gene expression analysis. Genome Biol. 16, 241 (2015).

  • DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and preimplantation embryos. Genes Dev. 28, 812–828 (2014).

  • Genetic programs in human and mouse early embryos revealed by single­cell RNA sequencing. Nature 500, 593–597 (2013).

