6.4青铜、马车、轮子与马的起源 《忽然》连载





为何人类人类起源非洲 《忽然》连载1-2

欧洲与中国谁更先进? 《忽然》连载2.1

《忽然》连载 永远的莫氏线 2.2

《忽然》连载 3. 新石器时代与巨石文化

3.4 回顾气候对文明的影响《忽然》连载

《忽然》系列 为苏粉必读项目

6. 4 青铜+马车+轮子+马 的起源

6.4 Origins of Bronzes, Chariots, Wheels and Horses

( This huge square bronze cauldron of Shang Dynasty is said to be the heaviest bronze object ever unearthed in the world. /据说这个商的司母戊 大鼎是世界上 最重的青铜 器。)

目前中国 学者尽管不认 同中国文明“西 来说”,但却都 认同青铜属于外来技术。在 21 世纪,这已成学界公论。其实青铜的西来,很大程度上决定了中国文明的西来色彩,甚至有人说,承认中国青铜西来就相当于认 同“中国文明西来”。因为拥有青铜的这个国家也是中国的第一个真正意义上的王朝。

Chinese scholars believe that bronze technology was brought about by westerners although they do not accept the theory of western origin. Actually, bronze technology from the west can almost help determine the western origin of Chinese civilization considering writing was created and the first dynasty was founded in China at the same time.


The most famous ancestor of Han people was Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) who according to Chinese mythology rode a chariot into China from the south of the Eurasian Steppe. Let’s come to the origin of the chariot and we may get to know who he was and where he came from.


考古发现世界上最早的轮子概念出现在在大约6000年前的德国和荷兰一带, 世界上最早的车辙也出现在德国。轮子的概念应该与巨石文化相关,因为运输巨 石需要滚动装置。

The earliest concept of wheel appeared in Germany about 6000 years ago, and the earliest ruts were found in the same country.

(  clay toy / 外国陶质玩具车 )

最早的车概念依然出现 在欧洲,在黑海北岸的乌克 兰草原附近,距今 6000 年。

The concept of chariot appeared near the Eurasian Steppe in Ukraine in Europe 6000 years ago.

考古中最 早成型的实用 车出现在西亚 的两河流域, 距今大约 4500-4600 年。 从时间与地点 上判断,很明 显这是气候转 冷后北方印欧 人南下到达西 亚的集大成。

( 车的大致传播 / the spreading of the chariots  )

The first chariot unearthed was produced in Mesopotamia 4500-4600 years ago. According to the time and geographical location, it was probably developed by the Indo-European migrants from the north.

( 印欧人分布/ Indo European distribution  )

中国考古中第一辆马车出现在 3200 年前的殷墟。

The first chariot unearthed in China was a funerary object of the Shang Dynasty. It was made about 3200 years ago.

( 中国殷墟中的马车 /The earliest chariots in China )

马车的另外一个要素是马。这牵涉到一个看似简单其实是惊天动地的人类大 发明:驯化动物。

Chariots cannot run without horses.

马的驯化与养育,与车一样,开辟了一个新时代。截至工业革命之前,人类 实际上一直被骑马民 族所统治。

The domestication of horses was a significant event which brought about another new age. Since then, mankind had been ruled by those on horses most of the time before the Industrial Revolution. Horses helped change human society.

Scholars believe that Indo-Europeans domesticated the first horses on the Eurasian Steppe near Kazakhstan.


所以,很肯定马车也是外来的。 文明的各个项目,中国比西部晚 3000-1000 年 不等。 这就是文明起源阶段的现实。

In summary, chariots were brought to China from the west. And everything related to civilization arrived in China 1000-3000 years later than it appeared in the west.

