雅思口语 考前一周提分之:时态的混合使用



1 I watched a film. It was interesting. (5.5分只有一种过去式)我看过一部电影,它很有趣

2 I used to watch movies every Saturday and one week I saw an interesting movie. (6.5分虽然都是过去式,但有两种形态,used to是个很重要的得分点)


1 I saw a movie. It was interesting. I liked it. 我看过一部电影,很有意思,我喜欢它。(5.5分只有一种单一的过去式)

2 I always used to watch TV with my brother and I remember watching a TV show about an alien and I enjoyed it a lot. 我以前经常和哥哥一起看电视,我记得看过一部关于外星人的电视节目,很有趣,我非常喜欢。(7分两种以上时态,并且过去时态还进行了变换)


1 How did you come here today?

I came here by bus.我乘公交车来的.(5.5分-只有一种过去式)

2 How did you come here today?

Well actually, I usually catch the tram, but  today I was in a hurry, so I took the subway. 哦,其实平时我都坐公交车的,但今天时间紧,所以我乘地铁来的。(最好用tram来替代bus)(6.5分,现在和过去的混合)

