愁痕满地无人省,露湿琅玕影。闲阶小立倍荒凉。还剩旧时月色在潇湘。薄情转是多情累,曲曲柔肠碎。红笺向壁字模糊,忆共灯前呵手为伊书。——纳兰容若《虞美人·秋夕信步 》

The Star Of The Sea 海洋之星//音乐待编辑***歌手:Phil Coulter所属专辑:Music Legend - PHIL COULTER Lake of Shadows - (音乐传奇系列 - 爱尔兰钢琴诗人菲尔·科尔特 影之湖)https://music.163.com/#/song?id=25727387http://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=25727387.mp3(时长=05:09)[大小=4.72Mb]☆★☆★☆ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● (Music)文本歌词The evening is clear今晚很宁静As I stand by the pier当我站在码头Looking over at Buncrana and Dunree看着Buncrana和DunreeAnd as so often before和以前经常一样Oh Bhrian a stor哦,Bhrian a storI pray God that you're in Heaven我向上帝祈祷你就在天堂With the Star of the sea与海洋之星May you peacefully sleep愿你平静的沉睡In the arms of the deep在深海的怀抱里May the sea that took your set your spring free愿带走你的大海让你的灵魂自由And in the dark of the night在夜晚的黑暗中With the wind at its height随风在高处飘扬May you guide the fearful sailor like the愿你为那些害怕的水手们指路Star of the sea就像海洋之星一样So many times I've thought about you很多次我曾想起你This place is not the same without you这个地方没有你将会变得不一样May your soul be at rest愿你的灵魂安息May your children be blessed愿你的孩子们得到保佑May you live forever in our memory愿你永远活在我们的记忆里May your spirit run wild愿你的灵魂狂野Where you ran here as a child在你小时候曾奔跑过的地方And may your smile light up the Heavens愿你的笑容点亮天堂Like the star of the sea就像海洋之星一样So many times I've thought about you很多次我曾想起你This place is not the same without you这个地方没有你将会变得不一样May your spirit run wild愿你的灵魂狂野Where you ran here as a child在你小时候曾奔跑过的地方May your smile light up the Heavens愿你的笑容点亮天堂Like the star of the sea就像海洋之星一样