【火腿快新闻】波兰大叔逆袭 | P5/3Z9DX朝鲜DX通联再次出发,帅出新高度

P5/3Z9DX – North Korea – NEW ACTIVITY
Earlier today, Dom 3Z9DX received confirmation from the North Korean government to make a return visit to P5 and operate amateur radio equipment for up to 5 days. The dates of activity are not yet known, but it will be at very short notice. Dom will be informed of dates just a few days beforehand – he will get his luggage and go.
If you hear and work P5/3Z9DX in the next few days ahead without any further details, this will be real. It will be a single band operation, SSB only. Dom will update DX-World with more news as he receives it.
【火腿快新闻】执着 | 波兰的业余无线电爱好者前往朝鲜开展早前计划好的DXCC通联操作事宜
【火腿快新闻】远征 | 波兰爱好者Dom 3Z9DX平壤远征通联开始啦!
【火腿快新闻】调整 | 波兰大叔P5/3Z9DX 朝鲜通联远征后续报道
【火腿快新闻】汇总 | 波兰大叔P5/3Z9DX 通联全纪录
【火腿快新闻】求证 | 纳尼!波兰大叔P5/3Z9DX通联造假?真的假的?
【火腿快新闻】争议 | 真相扑朔迷离,波兰大叔P5/3Z9DX 是真?是假?
ARRL Okays P5/3Z9DX North Korea Operation for DXCC
美国业余无线电协会(ARRL)认可DXCC P5/3Z9DX 朝鲜远征通联操作
The ARRL DXCC Department has approved for DXCC credit the unexpected P5/3Z9DX “demonstration” operation from North Korea last December. Well-traveled Polish DXer Dom Grzyb, 3Z9DX, has said he expects to be back in North Korea — officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) — for his “official” activation by late summer. P5/3Z9DX showed up on the air from the most-wanted DXCC entity on December 20 and 21 to demonstrate Amateur Radio for North Korean officials. During that activation — the first in more than a decade — P5/3Z9DX made nearly 785 SSB contacts, most of them on 15 meters. Nearly 600 of the contacts were with stations in Asia; P5/3Z9DX worked just 26 stations in North America. He posted his log on ClubLog.
美国业余无线电协会(ARRL)DXCC部门已批准信任去年12月出人预料的P5/3Z9DX在朝鲜的“示范性”DXCC通联操作。游历甚广的波兰DX通联者Dom Grzyb(3z9dx)说,他预计今年夏末返回朝鲜开展他的“官方”通联活动。去年12月20日和21日,P5/3Z9DX出现在空中的最令人向往的DXCC领地为朝鲜官员展示业余无线电。该活动是十多年来首次的通联,P5/3Z9DX进行了近785次单边带通联,这些通联大多数在15米。近600的通联台站在亚洲;P5/3Z9DX只通联了北美的26个电台。他在俱乐部日志上贴出了他的通联日志。
Some unsubstantiated claims were floated following the pre-Christmas P5/3Z9DX operation that Grzyb was not really operating from North Korea.
In January Grzyb contacted The Daily DX Editor Bernie McClenny, W3UR. During his visit to North Korea, Grzyb told McClenny, authorities were friendly and polite, and that he was surprised that they allowed him to operate. P5/3Z9DX reported being severely hampered by extremely high noise levels on all HF bands, not to mention a geomagnetic storm. Noise, he said, made it “almost impossible” to copy weaker signals in Pyongyang. When he goes back to the DPRK this summer, he expects to operate from a far quieter location in a rural area, Grzyb told The Daily DX.
一些未经证实的消息称:圣诞节前P5/3Z9DX的操作Grzyb本人不是从朝鲜进行的通联操作。1月,Grzyb和今日DX编辑Bernie McClenny, W3UR保持联系。访问朝鲜期间,Grzyb告诉McClenny,朝鲜当局友好礼貌,他很惊讶,并同意让他操作。P5/3Z9DX信号报告表述在HF段有极其严重的噪音干扰阻碍,这噪音并不是来自地磁暴。他说噪音几乎使得不可能在平壤接收弱信号。Grzyb告诉每日DX,当他今年夏天回到朝鲜,他预计在农村地区从一个安静的位置进行通联操作。
His equipment was left behind in Pyongyang, as agreed to before his December visit. The P5/3Z9DX preview was the first from North Korea since the 2001-2002 operation by Ed Giorgadze, 4L4FN. — Thanks to ARRL DXCC Department and The Daily DX
按照他在12月份和朝鲜当局达成的协议,他的设备被留在平壤。P5/3Z9DX是自2001 - 2002年由Ed Giorgadze, 4L4FN后的第一个从朝鲜进行过通联操作的DX通联者。——感谢ARRL DXCC部门和今日DX