

3分钟学雅思  |  栏目推送说明






3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第32期


成立于1996年的新裤子乐队算得上是国内现存的元老级偶像摇滚乐队了,他们深受新浪潮以及old-school punk 音乐风格影响,却又热衷于充满怀旧色彩的东方元素。


《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第32期 点击观看

Describe a band or singer you like.

You should say:

Who they are

What kind of music they play

When and where you usually listen to their music

And explain why you like them.


There’s a band called New Pants, who debuted a couple of decade sago, and a recent talent show has brought them back. New Pants has grown into one of the most-watched bands in the country and has released eight full-length albums. Their music mixes vintage 1980’s new wave and rock, drawing influence from the diverse spectrum of bands from the 1970s, 80s and the early 90s. The indie music scene was not appealing to the mainstream audience, but it was vibrant. No one was interested in indie music then. The scene was dominated by mainstream record companies. They just made music for fun, it was purely idealism.

Decades later, things have changed. Indie music has become incredibly popular among young Chinese music lovers and, Modern Sky has grown into the largest indie record label in the country.  With fans opening up to a greater diversity of music, New Pants have been experimenting various different styles, such as old school punk, disco, and electronic music. And it’s obvious that they have achieved great success.


1. vintage adj. 古老的,老式的  n. 古着

2. the indie music 独立音乐

3. mainstream n. 主流思想;主流群体

4. vibrant adj.充满生机的,生气勃勃的

5. diversity n. 多样性


