


三星堆遗址的发现为已消逝的古蜀国提供了独特的物证,距今4800年,与玛雅文明、古埃及文明、古巴比伦文明共同串起了神奇的北纬 30度,被誉为“长江文明之源”“世界第九大奇迹”。

The discovery of the Sanxingdui site provides unique physical evidence of the vanished ancient Shu kingdom, which dates back 4800 years.

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We want the building to be the closest thing to the earth and toreturn to the history and the natural context of the site, which is the starting point of our conception.




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'Where do we come from? Where are we heading to?'



We hope that the new Sanxingdui Museum will be a journey of discovery and experience of the past and present. The design adoptsa 'scene instead of building' approach, unveiling the story of the oncemysterious existence and disappearance of the Sanxingdui through a spatialnarrative.


Should the building be 'Hidden'?

Or should it be 'Visible'?




The building is 'hidden' and 'revealed', returning to history andthe natural context of the site in its closest form to the earth. The raised exhibition hall frees up public space, preserves the current water surface, opens up a visual corridor between the archaeological park and the surrounding natural landscape, and brings the lost civilisation of the ancient Shu Kingdom back to the urban scale.



The excavation of gold artefacts, such as gold staffs and golden masks, showsthat the ancient Shu civilisation worshiped gold, so we have also established the material of architectural expression, creating a 'spiritualenvironment' for the architecture on site.





The progress of the times, the development oftechnology, indicates the direction of the building's development. The designadopts an innovative spatial mesh shell structure system, and the three stacked bases meet the structural form without columns, maximising the space in the exhibition hall to meet the needs of new archaeological discoveries and changing exhibitions, realising the spatial flexibility from 'full life cyclearchaeological discovery' to 'full life cycle architecture'.



There is no shortage of modern architecture in this era, but rather a lack of historical architecture that tran scends the times.



The mask recreates the earliest human visions of looking up at the stars.



With the three stars accompanying the moon, the ancient Shu ancestors measured the heavens and the earth with their eyes, and used bronze to depict the gods.



All objects come from the earth and return to the earth, which is a natural state of life.




As a cultural container, the building conveys thesymbolic meaning of 'sleeping for thousands of years and waking up to theworld', creating a 'national treasure' and a 'supercultural IP' through the eyes of the Sanxingdui.



The Sanxingdui site is laid out in a 'one piece and two wings' format, with the onepiece referring to the museum area and the two wings referring to the site area and visitor centre area respectively. The architectural space of the new museum embodies the Chinese civilisation of heaven and earth, man, the sun, moon and stars, the three living creatures and the cosmology they carry.


上段是向游客开放的1.8万平米的文物集中展示区, 由东向西形成连贯鲜明的三个部分,场景再现了灿烂的古蜀文明、奇绝的文物精华、神秘的青铜王国。下段包括了主入口区、学术报告厅、文物医院、展品周转系统、安保系统等副属功能,与主展区功能相辅相成。

The upper part is an 18,000 square meter centralised display area open to visitors, forming three coherent and distinct sections from east to west, with scenes recreating the splendid ancient Shu civilisation, the wondrous essence of cultural relicsand the mysterious Bronze Kingdom. Thelower part includes subordinate functions such as the main entrance area, thelecture hall, the heritage hospital, the exhibit turnaround system and thesecurity system, which complement the functions of the main exhibition area.

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▲三星堆遗址博物馆荣获ICONIC AWARDS

近日,享誉全球建筑界的德国标志性设计奖(ICONIC AWARDS)公布了获奖名单。由英国杰典国际建筑[BAI Design International Limited]设计的三星堆遗址博物馆荣获2021德国标志性设计奖·创新建筑奖(ICONIC AWARDS 2021:Innovative Architecture-Winner)

标志性设计奖·创新建筑奖(ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture)由德国设计委员会于1953年设立,是全球最重要、最专业的建筑和设计奖项之一。旨在通过一项独立的建筑及设计赛事表彰跨学科互动的杰出范例,致力于发掘全球优秀的建筑项目、创新的室内和产品设计,以及推动建筑业内的积极交流。共设置了建筑、室内、产品、传达及概念五大参赛类别,表彰和认可具有前瞻力,能不断为建筑行业带来灵感的设计师们。该奖项推广跨学科对话,向国际公众传达建筑设计的重要性。


