














放眼过去300年,商业文明的进步都是新旧势力斗争的结果,从燃油汽车 VS 马车,再到如今新能源汽车 VS 燃油汽车。新势力相信所有东西都可以改变,所有的危机、挑战和困难都是机会,旧势力、旧行业都纷纷被颠覆。美的要做新势力,接纳和拥抱新思维,不能成为旧势力的陪葬品,真正地到用户中去,正如我们今天的“一盘货”、“T+3”、去库存、去中心化。

一位哲学家说过:“个体是没有意义的,生命的过程才有意义。” 美的要进行自我否定,彻底的否定。敢于自我否定是一种自信,自我否定是为了更加强大。世界变化这么快,有一种勇气叫“心里有底”,否定自己是为了更好地出发。2020无法重来,但我们的思维必须重来,自省才能成长。








We will meet again






Paul : Beyond the Trend, Leading the Change

On January 15th, after just entering the third decade of the 21st century, at the cross-roads of history, facing changes unseen in a century, Paul, the Chairman and President of Midea Group, delivered a keynote speech titled: 'Beyond the Trend, Leading the Change ' to all Midea Group employees, leading them to reflect, show appreciation, and do some soul-searching, as we look to reconstruct and move forward together.

In this era of drastic change, Mideans around the world have walked hand in hand through 2020, and have pulled through the sufferings and crisis together. Facing such uncertainties, what is Midea’s identity? What should Midea do now? Where is Midea heading?

Using a thorough analysis of Midea’s internal and external difficulties, Paul Fang redefines who Midea is, announcing the four new strategic building block to illuminate the direction for Midea’s future: “Identify the trend, go beyond the trend” -evolve rapidly, dare to explore the unknown, become the new power, think outside of the box, and take control of the future!

Difficulties and crises can be beneficial and by triumphing over them we can become richer

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 made everything extremely difficult in 2020. However, Mideans around the world have pulled through 2020 together. We were able to swiftly resume work and production. We faced this with courage and determination. By suffering together we have become more resilient and come to understand what is most precious; by discovering our weaknesses, we have become more robust.

During this process, we have arranged a series of strategic initiatives, which will become essential to Midea’s development in the next 3 years, or 5 years, or even 10 years. These initiatives will lay a foundation for our future wealth. Midea has gone through decades like this. Decades of experience and challenges have forged Midea with the resilience it has today.

We faced a lot of difficulties in 2020. In all those hard days, we were anxious and helpless. But when looking back what we have gone through, we find that 2020 could be a turning point, after which some companies will achieve greatness and some could be knocked out.

In times like 2020, we need to do some radical thinking. COVID-19, which can be seen as a mirror, microscope or magnifying glass, clearly revealed some of our mistakes. We need to honestly re-evaluate ourselves, where did we go wrong? How can we ensure not to miss-out on the coming new era?

To admit something to oneself requires self-confidence

We shall re-evaluate ourselves to have a better start again

'The solar system is merely a drop of waterin the galaxy; 
the earth is like a drop of water in the solar system; 
and weare but a drop of water upon the earth. 
We are extremely tiny in the universe.
So, does it really matter if we change our mindset?'

Over the last 300 years we have borne witness to flourishing commercial civilizations that resulted from battles between the rising power and the declining one. Whether it was the conflict between car and carriage, or the modern day conflict between electric vehicles and gas powered ones, the new power always believed that old powers and industries could be overturned and that crisis, and problems could be turned into opportunities. Midea should aim to be the new power, embracing a modern mindset, rather than becomea power in decline. We need to understand our consumers, in more ways like our 'overall shared inventory', 'T+3', reducing inventory, and decentralization.

A philosopher once said: 'Individuals without the process of life is meaningless.' To admit something to oneself requires self-confidence and today, Midea should admit our shortcomings in order to improve and become stronger. The world changes fast. Our mindset needs to change with it, with growth and self-reflection along the way.

Midea has nothing to keep hold of

In this fast-paced era, everything faces restructuring

In an era of unprecedented change, we need to be highly sensitive and respectful of changes, accept and recognize new things; Quickly develop our innate abilities, and speedily make decisions about uncertainties.

Past triumphs will be surpassed, restructuring will be comprehensive including: Industrial layout, business models, industrial structure, business reform, Industrial rules, mechanism and systems, product forms, emerging business types, Management logic, etc. Midea stands at the turning point of the great era, it must seize the day, redefine and reconstruct itself at top speed.

No competitive advantage remains forever, and they are persisting less and less time. Midea has nothing to keep hold of. Do we dare to try, dare to make mistakes, dare to believe in the future? In the future of Midea investment, we must dare to make ground-breaking investments. We should fight for a bright future instead of reminiscing on old times.

A good chess player identifies trends and plans for the end game

Quickly develop our innate abilities, and remove uncertainty with swift judgement and decision making

A sailor can only show their true courage when faced with a great storm. Midea is a big player, and we must cut through all the waves. We need to reflect and completely reshape ourselves, as we have no other options at this moment.

Midea has redefined its five core business divisions: Smart Home Business Group, Electromechanical Business Unit, HVAC & Building Technologies Division, Robotics & Automation Division, and Digital Innovation Business. In order to adapt to the trends, Midea has upgraded the Three Strategic Focuses to Four Strategic Building Blocks, namely Technology Leadership, Direct to Users, Digitalization & Intelligence Driven, and Global Impact.

Our key work in 2021 shall lie on Innovation, Breakthrough, Incubation. We shall break fresh ground and improve ourselves via digitalization. Every day is a brand-new day. We shall embrace changes to become the new force.

Midea will stay young, and our dream will flourish forever

'We will meet again'

——A UK love song in 1939

We will meet again is a love song from World War II. The virus is also a war. Because of the pandemic, lots of our team member are separated around the world,  and they cannot get together. I sincerely hope that all of us around the world could enjoy a reunion next year.

Every era with drastic changes and high uncertainties was a great era. We are all a part of it.  What should we do to live up to this great times? We need to consider where we will be in the future.

We must dare to imagine Midea’s future. If we stay young, redefining ourselves, the future of Midea will be profoundly different. We should create our own future rather than just being a witness of it.

We will become who we want to be.

Midea will become what it wants to be.


科技尽善 生活尽美
