【新刊速递】《国际事务》(IA), Vol.97, No.5, September 2021 | 国政学人
《国际事务》(International Affairs)是国际关系领域的一流学术期刊,也是多学科综合性学术期刊。本刊于1992年由伦敦皇家国际事务研究所查塔姆学院(Chatham House)创立,内容来源广泛,力图囊括业内专家、学术新秀对重点、热点问题的最新思考。2020年期刊影响因子为7.910,在95个国际关系类刊物中位列第1名。
Globalization, deglobalization and the liberal international order
Globalization, deglobalization and Great Power politics
Challenging the liberal order: the US hegemon as a revisionist power
How Africa and China may shape UN peacekeeping beyond the liberal international order
How 'making the world in its own liberal image’ made the West less liberal
Emerging middle powers and the liberal international order
Two emerging international orders? China and the United States
Globalization, deglobalization and human security: the case of Myanmar
Global health: an order struggling to keep up with globalization
The liberal international trading order (LITO) in an era of shifting capabilities
题目:Globalization, deglobalization and the liberal international order
作者:Markus Kornprobst,奥地利维也纳外交学院(Diplomatische Akademie Wien)国际关系教授,国际关系系主任;T. V. Paul,加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)詹姆斯·麦吉尔国际关系教授,曾任国际研究学会(International Studies Association)主席。
For decades, globalization and the liberal international order evolved side by side. Recently, however, deglobalizing forces have been on the rise and the liberal international order has come to be increasingly beleaguered. The special issue 'Deglobalization? The future of the liberal international order’ examines the interconnectedness of globalization and deglobalization processes on the one hand and the trajectory of the liberal international order on the other. This introduction provides a conceptual frame for the articles to follow. It discusses globalization and deglobalization processes, compares how they have been intertwined with the liberal international order in the past and presently, and explores how these differences are likely to affect the future of world politics. The special issue makes three important contributions. First, we examine globalization and deglobalization processes systematically. Second, we break new ground in studying the future of international order. Third, we generate novel insights into epochal change.
题目:Globalization, deglobalization and Great Power politics
作者:Norrin M Ripsman,美国里海大学(Lehigh University)国际关系系门罗·拉斯邦杰出教授(Monroe J. Rathbone Distinguished Professor),宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)博士。
Commercial liberalism would suggest that whereas globalization was conducive to great power cooperation—or at least moderated competition—deglobalization is likely to ignite greater competition amongst the Great Powers. In reality, however, the picture is much more complex. To begin with, the intense globalization of the 1990s and 2000s is not responsible for moderating Great Power tensions; instead, it is itself a product of the security situation resulting from the end of the Cold War. Furthermore, while globalization did serve to reinforce cooperation between the United States and rising challengers, such as China, which sought to harness the economic gains of globalization to accelerate their rise, it also created or intensified fault-lines that have led to heightening tensions between the Great Powers. Finally, while we are currently witnessing increasing tensions between the US and both China and Russia, deglobalization does not appear to be the primary cause. Thus, geoeconomic conditions do not drive security relations; instead, the geoeconomic environment, which is itself influenced by Great Power politics, is better understood as a medium of Great Power competition, which may affect the character of Great Power competition and its intensity, but does not determine it.
题目:Challenging the liberal order: the US hegemon as a revisionist power
作者:Steve Chan(陈思德),美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(the University of Colorado Boulder)教授。
Current discourse on International Relations conflates international order and the interstate distribution of power. Many studies fail to clarify the concept of international order or to provide systematic empirical analysis that compares states' conduct in relation to this order. The prevailing tendency relies instead on rhetorical assertion or definitional fiat to attribute revisionist and status-quo motivations to different countries. For example, power-transition theory claims that rising states are typically revisionist, whereas established states are committed to the status quo. This article presents a contrarian view, arguing that the dominant or established state can be a revisionist. This state is not forever committed to those rules and institutions of international order that it has played a decisive role in fostering. Conversely, a rising state is not inevitably bent on challenging the order that has enabled its ascendance. Revisionism is thus not unique to a rising power; moreover, this state is not destined to be a challenger to international order and an instigator of systemic war as typically depicted in the current literature. I advance these propositions in the context of recent conduct by China and the US, suggesting that whereas China has become less revisionist over time (even while its power has increased), the US has become more so especially during the Trump administration. The major impetus challenging the liberal international order has come more from domestic sources in the West than from China.
题目:How Africa and China may shape UN peacekeeping beyond the liberal international order
作者:Katharina P Coleman, 英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)副教授;Brian L Job,英属哥伦比亚大学教授。
UN peacekeeping became a flagship activity of the liberal international order (LIO) in the post-Cold War era, characterized by globalization, liberal norms and western leadership. Western states' diminished support for LIO UN peacekeeping has left it increasingly open to challenge, but significant changes are only likely if a strong group of states coalesces around an alternative model of UN peacekeeping. This article highlights African actors and China as well positioned to play pivotal roles in such a coalition. African states, who host the preponderance of UN missions and furnish almost half of the UN's uniformed peacekeepers, support globalized UN peacekeeping, show relatively weak support for the most liberal peace-building principles and assert the need for African-led solutions to continental crises. China's influence reflects its P5 status, financial and personnel contributions to UN peacekeeping and engagement with regional actors, notably in Africa. Aspiring to global leadership and a 'new world order’, China endorses globalized UN peacekeeping but proposes a non-liberal (and non-western led) notion of 'developmental peace’ to guide it. The complementarities between African and Chinese priorities raise the possibility of a profound challenge to LIO peacekeeping. Rather than heralding de-globalization, however, this challenge illustrates that post-LIO international institutions may instead be characterized by de-liberalization and de-westernization.
题目:How 'making the world in its own liberal image’ made the West less liberal
作者:Benjamin Miller,以色列海法大学(University of Haifa)政治学院国际关系专业教授,国家安全中心负责人。
How did the attempt to make the world more liberal end up making the West less liberal? Following the end of the Cold War the US tried to promote liberalism in various parts of the world. This promotion took place under the liberal belief in its universality. A few of these attempts succeeded, most notably the integration of China into the global economy. Many other liberalizing endeavours failed, notably democracy-promotion in China, Russia and the Middle East. Yet, both the successes and the failures resulted in the rise of illiberal elements in the West as reflected in Brexit and Trumpism. The article shows how the outcomes of the attempts at liberalization—both the failures and the successes—generated these populist forces. The Chinese economic success took place at least partly because of the US-led integration of China into the international order. Yet, this success produced adverse economic effects in the West. Such outcomes led to the rise of economic populism. The American liberal interventions in the Middle East affected the rise of terrorism and of Muslim migration to the West. These developments influenced the rise of cultural populism in the West, which advances resentment of foreigners, migrants and minorities.
题目:Emerging middle powers and the liberal international order
作者:Umut Aydin,智利天主教大学(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)政治学研究所副教授。
In the post-Cold War era, a number of middle powers rose to prominence thanks to domestic reforms and a favourable international environment of economic and political globalization. These countries began to pursue middle power foreign policies, working actively in international organizations, engaging in areas such as conflict mediation, humanitarian assistance and the promotion of human rights, and helping to diffuse democracy and market reforms in their neighbourhoods. In this way, they contributed to the stability and expansion of the liberal international order in the post-Cold War period. Nonetheless, recent democratic and economic backsliding in these middle powers raises concerns. Focusing on the cases of Turkey and Mexico, this article explores how reversals in democratic and market reforms, exacerbated by recent trends towards deglobalization, influence emerging middle powers' foreign policies and their potential contributions to the liberal international order. I argue that whereas their rise had helped reinforce and expand the liberal international order, emerging middle powers' illiberal turn may have a destabilizing effect on this order.
题目:Two emerging international orders? China and the United States
作者:John M Owen,弗吉尼亚大学政治系教授,他是文化高级研究所和米勒公共事务中心的高级研究员。
If it continues, deglobalization may lead not to atomization but two overlapping international orders: a liberal one (LIO) led by the United States, and an authoritarian–capitalist one (ACIO) led by China. This equilibrium could emerge because a central purpose of international orders is to preserve the domestic regimes of their Great Power sponsors. The United States and China have markedly different domestic regimes, and so as China continues to grow in power and influence, tension over the content of international order should continue to grow. I borrow from Darwinian evolution the notion of 'niche construction’: just as organisms alter phenotype selection by manipulating their natural environments, states can alter the 'selection’ of domestic regimes by shaping their international environments. Modes of international niche construction include foreign regime promotion, interdependence, transnational interaction and multilateral institutions. The liberal democratic niche constructed by the United States and its allies after the Second World War preserved democracy for many decades. Today, China is attempting through various means to build a niche that will eliminate the liberal bias in international institutions and safeguard its own Market-Leninist regime. The resulting ACIO would select for autocracy and hence be partially separate from the LIO, which selects for liberal democracy.
题目:Globalization, deglobalization and human security: the case of Myanmar
作者:Jarrod Hayes,马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校(University of Massachusetts, Lowell)国际关系副教授;Katja Weber,佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)国际事务教授。
Increased nationalism, greater protectionism and a gradual move away from a rules-based international order by some members of the international community do not bode well for vulnerable populations around the globe. Human security is threatened by a host of non-traditional security challenges catalysed by the growth of physical technologies and require multifaceted responses from a variety of actors. Many of those actors look to transnational networks built on globalized liberal order's social norms—what we call social technologies—for protection. The dwindling interconnectedness of deglobalization is likely to further empower corrupt governments at the expense of vulnerable citizens. This results from a decreased willingness by states and international institutions to defend human security. Whether one looks at the plight of persecuted citizens during Burma's military junta, human slaves in the fisheries off the coast of Indonesia, or farmers uprooted from their land by palm oil plantations, without social technologies to counterbalance the negative implications of physical technology the international community will lack the political capacity (sanctions, arms embargoes, travel restrictions, etc.), to aid those most in need. Ultimately, the effects of deglobalization on human security will depend largely on the trajectory of social technology developing alongside advances in physical technology.
题目:Global health: an order struggling to keep up with globalization
作者:Markus Kornprobst,维也纳国际研究学院政治学和国际关系系主任,主要研究方向为国际和平与安全、国际关系理论、治理与外交等;Stephanie Strobl,美因茨约翰内斯古滕贝格大学普通病理学研究所医学博士。
Do global health institutions keep up with globalization forces? We contend that they seriously lag behind. While medical knowledge becomes more and more refined in showing how diseases spread globally, the political order meant to address this problem is barely global. It is global in terms of the promises it makes in declarations and even legally binding instruments (institutional foreground). But many entrenched political practices of interaction do not keep these promises (institutional background). We explain this with the dominance of a traditional diplomatic 'feel of the game’ in which often narrowly defined national interests, positioning battles among states, and a subordination of global health under considerations of international security and economics prevail. Based on this diagnosis, we discuss three scenarios for the further evolution of the global health order: (1) the persistence of current institutions, (2) revisions of the institutional foreground and persistence of the background, and (3) a qualitative break that makes amendments to both. While the COVID-19 crisis provides openings for the third and, even more so, the second one, the current upheavals in the liberal constellation of orders makes the first scenario the most likely one.
题目:The liberal international trading order (LITO) in an era of shifting capabilities
作者:Steven E. Lobell,犹他大学政治学教授,主要研究方向为国际关系、国际安全与军备控制、新古典现实主义等;Jordan Ernstsen,犹他大学博士,主要研究方向为联盟、大战略、美国外交政策等。
摘要:关于自由主义国际秩序即将崩溃的问题有很多争论。这是由新兴对等的或接近对等的竞争对手在物质和军事能力方面的变动所引起的,其中一些竞争对手并未参与最初的“大交易”,而其他竞争对手则处于更有利的地位而能重新谈判这一“交易”。作为自由主义国际秩序的一个关键要素,作者提出如下问题:在权力转移时期,自由主义国际贸易秩序(LITO)是否持久且具有弹性?LITO何时以及为什么会崩溃?仅靠霸权的相对衰落能解释这些结果吗?基于“颠倒的第二意象+”(second-image reversed plus)的论点,作者强调了对等和接近对等的竞争者的对外贸易导向的性质的转变如何改变两个相互竞争以“俘获国家”(capture the state)的广泛且互相捧场(logrolled)的联盟的国内均势,从而影响前任领导人选择是否捍卫、重新谈判或者放弃其创建的贸易秩序。为了更好地理解这些力量,作者考察了两个典型案例:20世纪30年代的英国和21世纪初的美国。
There is much debate about the impending collapse of the liberal international order. It is provoked by the shifts in material and military capabilities from emerging peer and near-peer competitors, some of whom were not part of the original grand bargain and others that are in a stronger position to renegotiate the bargain. As one critical element of the liberal international order, we ask, during power shifts: is the liberal international trading order (LITO) durable and resilient? When and why will the LITO collapse? Does the relative decline of the hegemon alone explain these outcomes? In advancing a second-image reversed plus argument, we highlight how a shift in the nature of the foreign commercial orientation of peer and near-peer contenders can alter the domestic balance of power of two broad and logrolled coalitions competing to capture the state and thus affect whether the erstwhile leader defends, renegotiates, or abandons the trading order it created. To better understand these forces, we examine two paradigmatic cases: Britain in the 1930s and the United States in the 2000s.
编译 | 曾庆鸣 杨佳霖 董黛 胡富钦 陈思涵
审校 | 赖永祯 何伊楠
排版 | 云琪布日 方引弓