弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特150年:档案重开 | 佳作新书
书名:Frank Lloyd Wright: Unpacking the Archive
作者:Barry Bergdoll, Jennifer Gray
出版机构:The Museum of Modern Art
▲Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
2017年6月至10月,为纪念赖特诞辰150周年,纽约现代艺术博物馆特别举办了展览Frank Llyod Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive,从极其丰富的赖特基金会档案中选取450件创作于19世纪末至20世纪中叶的作品展出,全面覆盖了赖特在建筑设计、模型制作甚至家具、餐具、织物设计等多个领域的辉煌成就。
▲ Imperial Hote, Tokyo. 1913-23. Rug design for Peacock Room. Pencil and colored pencil on tracing paper.
▲ St. Mark's Tower. Scale furniture designed by Wright.
▲ Darwin D. Martin House, Buffalo, New York, 1903-06. View of the Floricycle from the southeast.
▲ Wolf Lake Amusement Park, Chicago. Project, 1895. Plan. Watercolor, ink, and pencil on paper.
▲ San Marcos-in-the-Desert Hotel, Phoenix South (formerly Salt River) Mountains, Phoenix, Arizona. Project, 1928-29. Perspective of the entrance. Ink, pencil and colored pencil on paper.
▲ Davidson Little Farms Unit and Markets. Project, 1932-33. Aerial perspective. Pencil and colored pencil on tracing paper.
▲ Nakoma Memorial Gateway, Madison, Wisconsin. Project, 1924. Elevations of the Nakomis sculpture. Lithograph.
▲ Vallarino Jr. House, Panama City. Project, 1951-57. Ground-floor plan. Ink, colored pencil, and pencil on tracing paper.
▲ Jacobs House, Madison, Wisconsin. 1936-37. Construction details. Pencil on tracing paper.
▲ Broadacre City. Project, 1929-35. Model, 1934-35. Painted Wood, cardboard, and paper.
▲ Broadacre City. Project, 1929-35. A section of the model installed.
▲ St. Mark's Tower. Detail of the model's windows.
▲ Rosenwald School, Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institue, Virginia. Project, 1928. Perspective with plan. Graphite and colored pencil.
▲ Rosenwald School, Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institue, Virginia. Project, 1928. Plan. Pencil and colored pencil on tracing paper.