




1. I play a game ______ a Saturday morning.

A. on  B. in  C. for

2. This is ______ I sing a song.

A. way  B. ways  C. the way

3. I draw a picture _____ my story.

A. for  B. with  C. to

4. He does _____ homework.

A. his  B. him  C. he

5. What does your sister do ____ the evening?

A. on   B. in  C. at




A. Where is China?  B. It's the capital of China.

C. Can you draw the flag of China? D. What's this?

E. And it has five yellow stars.

A: 1_____

B: It's map of the world.

A. 2_____

B: Let me see. There it is!

A: Oh, I see. I see Beijing, too.

B: 3_____

A: 4_____

B: Yes! That's easy. It's red. 5_____

A: Oh, can you teach me?

B: Sure.




walk, never, always, driver, Ms.

1. I _________ have breakfast at home.

2. My uncle is a bus ________.

3. I live near the school. I ______ to school.

4. Sam is a boy. He _______ wears skirts.

5. This is my English teacher, _________ Zhang.

参考答案: always, driver, walk, never, Ms.





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