
α-卤代酯先和锌反应得到有机锌中间体,接着和腈反应得到β-烯胺酯或β-酮酯(两个产物和后处理的条件有关)的反应。该反应被用于喹喏类抗生素起始原料的合成和具有抗真菌活性的天然产物 jerangolid D内酯环的构造。


1983年日本化学家岸义人(Yoshito Kishi)研究发现,使用活化的锌,四氢呋喃作溶剂和加入过量的α-卤代酯(在 30 - 60 min内加完)可以提高反应收率和减少副反应发生。并用改良的步骤于贝类毒素(或称石房蛤毒素,Saxitoxin)关键中间体的合成。

S. M. Hannick, Y. Kishi, J. Org. Chem.198348, 3833-3835.

反应后处理:the reaction mixture is diluted with THF until a total volume of 3 mL for each mmol of α-haloester is reached and then 1/3 mL of 50% aqueous K2CO3 should be added with vigorous stirring. Rapid stirring for 30 minutes gives two cleanly separated layers.

此后处理过程非常重要,必须严格按此操作,否则很容易生成乳胶状沉淀,导致处理极其繁琐,影响产率。此操作得到的有机相可以柱层析得到纯的β-烯胺酯。要想得到β-酮酯,则有机相先和1 M aq. HCl 在室温下搅拌30min。


A. S.-Y. Lee, R.-Y. Cheng, Tetrahedron Lett.199738, 443-446.



Blaise中间体通过不同的水解条件可以得到β-烯胺酯或β-酮酯。在有机相中用50% aq. K2CO3处理后得到β-烯胺酯。接着用1M  aq. HCl处理则得到β-酮酯。



An improved procedure for the Blaise reaction: a short, practical route to the key intermediates of the saxitoxin synthesis
S. M. Hannick, Y. Kishi, J. Org. Chem.198348, 3833-3835.

A simple and highly efficient synthesis of β-amino-α,β-unsaturated ester via sonochemical Blaise reaction
A. S.-Y. Lee, R.-Y. Cheng, Tetrahedron Lett.199738, 443-446.

The Decarboxylative Blaise Reaction
J. H. Lee, B. S. Choi, J. H. Chang, H. B. Lee, J.-Y. Yoon, J. Lee, H. Shin, J. Org. Chem.200772, 10261-10263.

Tandem Blaise-Alkenylation with Unactivated Alkynes: One-Pot Synthesis of α-Vinylated β-Enaminoesters from Nitriles
Y. S. Chun, Y. O. Ko, H. Shin, S.-g. Lee, Org. Lett.200911, 3414-3417.

Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Trapping of the Blaise Reaction Intermediate for Tandem One-Pot Synthesis of Indole Derivatives

J. H. Kim, S.-g. Lee, Org. Lett.201113, 1350-1353.

One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Pyridones via Chemo- and Regioselective Tandem Blaise Reaction of Nitriles with Propiolates
Y. S. Chun, K. Y. Ryu, Y. O. Ko, J. Y. Hong, J. Hong, H. Shin, S.-g. Lee, J. Org. Chem.200974, 7556-7558.

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