【新刊速递】第36期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.1, 2020


《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会的旗舰期刊,由牛津大学出版社每年发行四期,旨在发表与国际研究中重要理论性、实证性、规范性主题相关的领先学术成果。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2018年该期刊的影响因子为2.172。


【编译】徐垚晟 李源 刘潇昱 贺凡熙 王馨翊





1. 超越“可信承诺”:以投资条款为焦点

Beyond Credible Commitments: (Investment) Treaties as Focal Points

2. 自我强化的文官统治:基于计量的军政关系分析

Self-Reinforcing Civilian Control: A Measurement-Based Analysis of Civil-Military Relations

3. 人权在路上:拉丁美洲的镇压、压迫和抗议

Human Rights on the March: Repression, Oppression, and Protest in Latin America

4. 乌克兰外交政策偏好:贸易与民族语言身份

Foreign Policy Preferences in Ukraine: Trade and Ethnolinguistic Identity

5. 共同金融治理的局限:区域发展银行和联合国大会上美国的投票联盟

The Limits of Collective Financial Statecraft: Regional Development Banks and Voting Alignment with the United States at the United Nations General Assembly



【题目】Beyond Credible Commitments: (Investment) Treaties as Focal Points

【作者】Lauge N Skovgaard Poulsen, 伦敦大学学院政治学副教授


Why do states enter into treaties? In literature on the investment treaty regime, the dominant answer is that investment treaties provide credible commitments to foreign investors. This narrative provides valuable insights but cannot account for the historical origins of the treaties, where drafters explicitly decided to exclude “strong” dispute settlement provisions. Unlike modern-day investment treaties, the early investment treaty regime did not allow investors to file claims against host states through investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). Using historical evidence from three major capital-exporting states—the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany—the article shows that this was a conscious design choice. Rather than providing formal dispute settlement, sanctions, and penalties to make credible commitments, Western states intended investment treaties to serve as salient focal points for the informal resolution of investment disputes. The substantive obligations were expected to fulfil their coordinating role without the shadow of judicialized dispute settlement. The argument is not just of historical interest but has broader implications for literature on international economic law dominated by the credible commitment narrative, as well as the current political backlash against ISDS.






【题目】Self-Reinforcing Civilian Control: A Measurement-Based Analysis of Civil-Military Relations

【作者】Michael R Kenwick,罗格斯大学政治学系助理教授


How does the passage of time contribute to the establishment of civilian control of the State? We argue that civilian dominance of politics is achieved once civilianized institutions are adopted and sufficient time has passed to permit: (1) the development of a shared norm of civilian control within the military and (2) learning among military elites that fosters a belief that civilian rule is robust to military challenges. As a result, civilian control is self-reinforcing. We evaluate these claims by developing and validating a latent variable model of self-reinforcing institutional dynamics. We generate estimates of civilian control for all countries, 1945–2010, and find strong evidence that civilian control self-reinforces, but incrementally and over the course of several decades.






【题目】Human Rights on the March: Repression, Oppression, and Protest in Latin America

【作者】James C Franklin,俄亥俄卫斯理大学政治与政府系教授


This research examines the impact of human rights protests on human rights abuses in seven Latin American countries—Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. I find that protests focused broadly on human rights are associated with significant declines in human rights abuses, controlling for important factors from previous studies. Furthermore, I argue that it is important to distinguish political repression (abuses that target political activists) from coercive state oppression, which has nonpolitical targets. These two types of abuses respond to different factors, but broadly focused human rights protests are found to decrease both types of abuses. I argue further that a strong human rights movement, indicated by frequent human rights protests, discourages the police abuses associated with oppression by raising the likelihood of accountability for such abuses, including by improving the likelihood of reforms to the criminal justice system.






【题目】Foreign Policy Preferences in Ukraine: Trade and Ethnolinguistic Identity

【作者】Celeste Beesley,杨百翰大学政治科学助理教授

【摘要】在外交政策上,个体倾向于偏好其重要的贸易伙伴。文化亲缘性也会影响个体的外交政策立场。本研究调查了公民如何在面对民族语言分歧时优先考虑同贸易伙伴的关系。利用有关乌克兰外交政策偏好的数据,以及乌克兰与其两个最大贸易伙伴(俄罗斯和欧盟)之间的双边贸易数据,作者发现,民族语言认同和相对贸易暴露都会影响外交政策偏好,而这些因素会引入“横切分层”(cross-cutting)  。在与俄罗斯贸易的经济重要性相对较高的地区,  讲乌克兰语的乌克兰人比其他地区讲乌克兰语的人更有可能支持对俄罗斯的外交政策。同样,在与欧盟贸易水平较高的地区,讲俄语的人在外交政策上更倾向于欧盟。

Individuals tend to favor important trade partners in their foreign policy preferences. Cultural affinity is also known to influence individuals’ foreign policy stances. This study examines how citizens prioritize international relations with trading partners in the face of ethnolinguistic divisions. Using survey data on foreign policy preferences paired with data on bilateral trade between Ukraine and its two largest trade partners (Russia and the European Union [EU]), I find that ethnolinguistic identity and relative trade exposure both affect foreign policy preferences and that these effects introduce cross-cutting cleavages. Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians in regions where the economic importance of trade with Russia is relatively higher are more likely to favor foreign policy oriented toward Russia than Ukrainian speakers elsewhere. Similarly, Russian speakers in areas with high levels of trade with the EU have more EU-oriented foreign policy preferences.






【题目】The Limits of Collective Financial Statecraft: Regional Development Banks and Voting Alignment with the United States at the United Nations General Assembly

【作者】Anastassia V Obydenkova,俄罗斯国立高等经济学院研究员;Vinícius G Rodrigues Vieira,巴西圣保罗大学国际关系学访问教授

【摘要】霸权国在通过多边机构行使金融治理权时面临着哪些限制?最近的研究表明,由美国赞助、作为共同金融治理的政府间组织(IGO),例如世界银行和国际货币基金组织(IMF),会促使发展中国家在联合国(UN)内与华盛顿结盟。相同的效果在美国的双边援助中也得到了验证。然而,在同样的背景下,关于美国赞助的区域开发银行(RDB)的影响的讨论很少。区域开发银行是特殊的政府间组织,每间银行覆盖世界上的某个地区,同时依赖于发达国家(赞助方)和发展中国家(借贷方)的资源。本文作者试图填补关于经济和金融治理讨论中的空白。他们利用截尾回归模型(Tobit model)说明,借贷国的物质能力越强,就越不可能与美国在联合国大会(UNGA)中结盟。除欧洲复兴开发银行(EBRD)之外,所有区域开发银行的成员都产生了相同的效果。这个结果表明有必要对区域开发银行进行进一步的研究,以评估它们是否激励了对霸权国的挑战。

Which limitations does the hegemon face when exerting financial statecraft through multilateral institutions? Recent studies indicate that intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) that are tools of collective financial statecraft sponsored by the United States, like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, lead developing states to align with Washington in the United Nations (UN). The same effect is verified in the case of US bilateral aid. Little, however, has been discussed about the effect of American-sponsored regional development banks (RDBs) in the same context. RDBs are IGOs with unique characteristics as each of them covers a region of the world and relies on resources from developed sponsors and developing borrowing members alike. In this article we aim to fill this gap in the debates on economic and financial statecraft by demonstrating through Tobit models that the higher the material capabilities of a borrowing state that takes loans, the less likely it is to align with the United States at the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Membership of all RDBs but the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) yields the same effect. Results indicate the need to develop further research on RDBs to assess whether they create incentives for challenging the hegemon.






