【新刊速递】第48期 | World Politics, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2020


World Politics(《世界政治》)创刊于1948年,是享誉国际的政治科学季刊,内容涵盖国际关系和政治科学的各个领域,其主编是Deborah J. Yashar。该期刊欢迎的投稿类型有具有理论和实证贡献的研究类文章,以及有关国际关系和比较政治问题的评论性文章。2019年该期刊的影响因子为2.5,在95种国际关系类期刊中位列第15名,在180种政治科学类期刊中位列第36名。
【编译】崔宇涵 李玉婷 陈勇 王川 王泽尘

The Logic of Illicit Flows in Armed Conflict: Explaining Variation in Violent Nonstate Group Interactions in Colombia
Local Order, Policing, and Bribes: Evidence from India
The Durability of Client Regimes: Foreign Sponsorship and Military Loyalty, 1946–2010
Institutional Sources of Business Power
Networks, Informal Governance, and Ethnic Violence in a Syrian City
【题目】The Logic of Illicit Flows in Armed Conflict: Explaining Variation in Violent Nonstate Group Interactions in Colombia
【作者】Annette Idler,牛津大学政治与国际关系资深研究员,战争性质变化项目研究主任,彭布罗克学院高级研究员。
Why is there variation in how violent nonstate groups interact in armed conflict? Where armed conflict and organized crime converge in unstable regions worldwide, these groups sometimes enter cooperative arrangements with opposing groups. Within the same unstable setting, violent nonstate groups forge stable, long-term relations with each other in some regions, engage in unstable, short-term arrangements in others, and dispute each other elsewhere. Even though such paradoxical arrangements have intensified and perpetuated war, extant theories on group interactions that focus on territory and motivations overlook their concurrent character. Challenging the literature that focuses on conflict dynamics alone, the author argues that the spatial distribution of illicit flows influences how these interactions vary. By mapping cocaine supply chain networks, the author shows that long-term arrangements prevail at production sites, whereas short-term arrangements cluster at trafficking nodes. The article demonstrates through process tracing how the logic of illicit flows produces variation in the groups’ cooperative arrangements. This multiyear, multisited study includes over six hundred interviews in and about Colombia’s remote, war-torn borderlands.
【题目】Local Order, Policing, and Bribes: Evidence from India
【作者】Juan Fernando Tellez,南卡罗来纳大学政治学助理教授;Erik Wibbels,杜克大学政治学教授;Anirudh Krishna,杜克大学政治学教授。
【摘要】日常治安代表着公民和国家之间一种基本的互动。然而,即使在能力最强的国家,不同社区之间的地方治安也有很大差异。作者试图理解这种差异,并做出三点贡献:首先,作者将社区和个人概念化为网络,他们或多或少都要求高水平的治安能力;其次,作者提供了来自印度一百六十多个贫民窟、八千户家庭和一百七十个非正式邻里领导人(neighborhood leaders)的有关当地治安的原始调查数据和半结构式访谈,这些信息有助于开展新兴的关于比较治安和秩序的新兴实证工作;第三,作者发现联系紧密的个人和社区对于地方治安表现出更大的信心和更高的满意度。至关重要的是,这些差异并不是由于当地冲突的发生率较低,而是因为其利用邻里领导人与警察协调的能力更强。本文将(理论)分析与经验(研究)相结合,有助于深入了解个人和社区经验接触的警察会在什么条件下成为租金征收者或中立的秩序供给者。
Day-to-day policing represents a fundamental interface between citizens and states. Yet even in the most capable states, local policing varies enormously from one community to the next. The authors seek to understand this variation and in doing so make three contributions: First, they conceptualize communities and individuals as networks more or less capable of demanding high-quality policing. Second, they present original survey data and semistructured interviews on local policing from over one hundred sixty slums, eight thousand households, and one hundred seventy informal neighborhood leaders in India that contribute to the nascent empirical work on comparative policing and order. Third, they find evidence that well-connected individuals and densely connected neighborhoods express greater confidence in and satisfaction with local policing. Critically, these differences do not appear to be a function of a lower propensity for local conflict but rather of an increased capacity to leverage neighborhood leaders to mediate relations with the police. The combination of analytics and empirics in this article provides insight into the conditions under which individuals and communities experience the police as expropriators of rents or neutral providers of order.
【题目】The Durability of Client Regimes: Foreign Sponsorship and Military Loyalty, 1946–2010
【作者】Adam E. Casey,现密歇根大学维泽新兴民主国家研究中心(Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies at the University of Michigan)研究员,2020年在多伦多大学获得博士学位。主要研究议题包括外部支持和威权政体的延续、军政关系的比较研究、大国对外政策以及民主化。
Conventional wisdom holds that great power patrons prop up client dictatorships. But this is generally assumed rather than systematically analyzed. This article provides the first comprehensive analysis of the relationship between foreign sponsorship and authoritarian regime survival, using an original data set of all autocratic client regimes in the postwar period. The results demonstrate that patronage from Western powers—the United States, France, and the United Kingdom—is not associated with client regime survival. Rather, it’s only Soviet sponsorship that reduced the risk of regime collapse. The author explains this variation by considering the effects of foreign sponsorship on the likelihood of military coups d’état. He argues that the Soviet Union directly aided its clients by imposing a series of highly effective coup prevention strategies. By contrast, the US and its allies didn’t provide such aid, leaving regimes vulnerable to military overthrow.
【题目】Institutional Sources of Business Power
【作者】Marius R. Busemeyer,德国康斯坦茨大学政治学教授;Kathleen Thelen,麻省理工学院福特讲座教授。
Recent years have seen a revival of debates about the role of business and the sources of business power in postindustrial political economies. Scholarly accounts commonly distinguish between structural sources of business power, connected to its privileged position in capitalist economies, and instrumental sources, related to direct forms of lobbying by business actors. The authors argue that this distinction overlooks an important third source of business power, which they conceptualize as institutional business power. Institutional business power results when state actors delegate public functions to private business actors. Over time, through policy feedback and lock-in effects, institutional business power contributes to an asymmetrical dependence of the state on the continued commitment of private business actors. This article elaborates the theoretical argument behind this claim, providing empirical examples of growing institutional business power in education in Germany, Sweden, and the United States.
【题目】Networks, Informal Governance, and Ethnic Violence in a Syrian City
【作者】Kevin Mazur,美国西北大学政治系访问助理教授。
In cross-national studies, ethnic exclusion is robustly associated with the onset of violent challenge to incumbent regimes. But significant variation remains at the subnational level—not all members of an excluded ethnic group join in challenge. This article accounts for intra-ethnic group variation in terms of the network properties of local communities, nested within ethnic groups, and the informal ties that regimes forge to some segments of the ethnically excluded population. Mobilization within an excluded ethnic group is most likely among local communities where members are densely linked to one another and lack network access to state-controlled resources. Drawing on a case study of the Syrian city of Homs in the 2011 uprising, this article demonstrates how the Syrian regime’s strategies of managing the Sunni population of Homs shaped patterns of challenge. On the one hand, the state’s toleration of spontaneous settlements on the city’s periphery helped to reproduce dense network ties. On the other hand, the regime’s informal bargains with customary leaders instrumentalized those ties to manage local populations. These bargains could not withstand the regime’s use of violence against challengers, which meant that these same local networks became crucial factors in impelling and sustaining costly antiregime mobilization.
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