


Free Music Archive

免费音乐档案馆(Free Music Archive)是美国一家合法授权的拥有众多高质量音乐的交互式下载网站,也是美国经营时间最长的一家免费的音乐网站,成立于2009年,创立的初衷和主旨就是无偿为大众提供好的音乐。








全历史是一款历史查看网站,以时空关系为表达特性来向用户呈现历史知识,具有历史时间轴、时间地图、关系图谱、国别史等功能。 你可以感受,更多的历史事件、人物和遗迹等;更多历史爱好的佼佼者,与你一起分享对历史的看法;你可以通过3D建模、关系图谱、AB路径、时空地图等功能,玩转历史。



Today Xiaobian recommends three websites for everyone to open the door to your new world! Finding resources on the Internet is a hassle, and finding the resources you want is also an ability. These three websites are at the treasure level, click to open and take a look, I believe you will linger for you who are eager for new knowledge!

The Free Music Archive is a legally authorized interactive download site in the United States with many high-quality music. It is also the longest-running free music site in the United States. It was established in 2009 with the original intention and theme of its creation. Provide good music to the public for free.

Whether it is a listener, a podcast, a producer or an artist, the free music archive is a huge resource library, providing music enthusiasts with all kinds of resources. Unlike other websites, all audio is through the website audio curator. Carefully selected and included. Although the website is free and open to the public, the authoring, planning, uploading and editing of audio content requires the permission or invitation of the website.

The free music archive is also a platform for cooperation between curators and musicians, including radio stations, albums, venues, artist organizations, museums, music festivals, etc. The website is organized and combined with other online music websites. Management methods in the past few decades. In the free music archive, each musician’s page will have a link to its own homepage, so that netizens can enter the link to learn more about this musician and hear more music.

ProcessOn is a mapping tool and social network oriented to vertical professional fields. It supports drawing mind maps, flowcharts, UML, network topology diagrams, organizational structure diagrams, prototype diagrams, timelines, etc.

ProcessOn's mind map can be used to formulate plans, including work plans, study plans, travel plans, etc. The plans can be divided according to time or projects, and the complicated schedule can be clearly organized. After listing the content of the plan, completion time, executor and other information, you can mark the degree of completion of each item.

ProcessOn's mind map can record study or work notes. Split the large learning content, reduce the number of words, and summarize the affiliation of knowledge points to facilitate understanding and memory.

Full History is a history viewing website that presents historical knowledge to users with temporal and spatial relationships as an expression feature. It has functions such as historical timeline, time map, relationship map, and national history. You can feel more historical events, characters and relics, etc.; more outstanding historical hobbies, share your views on history with you; you can use 3D modeling, relationship maps, AB paths, time-space maps and other functions, Play history

Relationship map: able to show you all related people, things, things in any history.

Time and space map: show you the forces, missions, geography, dynasties, and events of each era.


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