
1. 睾丸激素



“它是如何工作的? ”

  • Testosterone blocks the stress hormone cortisol which ensures body fat doesn’t build up. 睾丸激素可以阻止应激激素皮质醇,从而确保身体脂肪不会堆积

  • Boosts red blood cell productionwhich improves oxygen intake and means your endurance levels will go through the roof. 提高红细胞的产量,提高氧气的摄入量,意味着你的耐力水平将达到顶峰

  • Your muscle growth will be in another league due to the elevated rate of protein synthesis. This also prevents catabolism, reducing recovery times. 由于蛋白质合成率的提高,你的肌肉增长将处于另一个阶段。这也可以防止分解代谢,减少恢复时间

2. Dianabol大力补



  • Dianabol promotes glycogenolysis which makes your carb intake more effective. Your raw energy input basically becomes more concentrated, which is crucial for power. 大力补促进糖原分解,使您的碳水化合物摄入更有效。你的原始能量输入基本上变得更加集中,这对时序的能量输出是至关重要的

  • Very efficient at increasing nitrogen retention in the muscles which is fundamental for all important sizeand strength gains. 非常有效地增加氮在肌肉中的滞留,这是所有重要的体型和力量增加的基础

  • Protein synthesis paves the way for muscle growth, by enhancing the speed it builds mass as well as preserving it too 蛋白质的合成为肌肉的生长铺平了道路,通过提高它的速度建立质量,并保持它


第三种类型为更强力的类固醇,群勃龙tren,更重要的是,tren 的效力是睾丸激素的5倍。



Boosts production of IGF-1,the insulin growth factor 1 hormone which is seriously anabolic in nature and a major player in recovery and preserving lean muscle.促进胰岛素样生长因子-1(1GF-1)的产生,胰岛素生长因子-1是一种性质严重合成代谢的激素,在恢复和保存肌肉方面起重要作用

Trenbolone encourages a higher rate of metabolism.This is vital for reducing body fat during cutting,but it also minimizes any body fat gains through bulking phases.川波隆鼓励更高的新陈代谢率。这对减少身体脂肪是至关重要的,但它也最大限度地减少任何身体脂肪增加通过膨胀阶段

Trenbolone is not estrogenic that means it doesn't aromatise so will not cause water retention.In fact it does the total opposite and dries you out,giving pure lean gains.趋黄酮是不雌激素,这意味着它不芳香,所以不会造成水滞留。事实上,它做的完全相反,干燥你,给纯净的精益收益


