casino: A casino is a building or room where people play gambling games such as roulette.
Across the United States, from Florida beaches to California mountains, casinos to national parks, legions dismissed the growing demands this past week to isolate themselves and stop congregating as the coronavirus spread through the country and shut down nearly all facets of American life.
单词 casino 来自意大利语,本意是指“乡村小屋”,类似乡村俱乐部。casino 的前半部分“cas(a)”在拉丁文中是“房子”的意思,后缀“ino”有“地方、事物”之义。
人们聚集在这些屋子里唱歌、跳舞、赌博,进行各种娱乐活动,这样,casino 的含义就逐渐转化为“人们进行集会,娱乐活动的场所”。由于很多人在 casino 进行的主要娱乐活动是赌博,这个词最终成为了世界各地“赌场”的代名词。
stake /steɪk/
[n] The stakes involved in a contest or a risky action are the things that can be gained or lost.(赌注)