

Sprains and subluxations do not affect function and do not require any special treatment; the arm is rested in a sling until pain subsides (usually no more than a week) and shoulder exercises are then begun.

Dislocations are poorly controlled by padding and bandaging, yet the role of surgery is controversial. The large number of operations suggests that none is ideal. There is no convincing evidence that surgery provides a better functional result than conservative treatment for a straightforward Type III injury. Operative repair should be considered only for patients with extreme prominence of the clavicle, those with posterior or inferior dislocation of the clavicle and those who aim to resume strenuous overarm or overhead activities.

Whilst there is no consensus regarding the best surical solution, there are a number of underlying principles to consider if surgery is contemplated. Accurate reduction should be the goal. The ligamentous stability can be recreated either by transferring existing ligaments (the coracoacromial or conjoined tendons), or by using a free graft (e.g., autogenous semitendinosis or a synthetic ligament). This reconstruction must have sufficient stability to prevent re-dislocation during recovery. Any rigid implants which cross the joint will need to be removed at a later date to prevent loosening or fracture.

In the modified Weaver–Dunn procedure the  lateral end of the clavicle is excised and the coracoacromial  ligament is transferred to the outer end of the clavicle and attached by trans-osseous sutures. Tension on the repair can be reduced either by anchoring the clavicle to the coracoid with a Bosworth coracoclavicular screw (which has to be removed after 8 weeks) or by employing a Dacron sling – looped round the coracoid and the clavicle – for the same purpose. Great care is needed to avoid entrapment or damage to a nerve or vessel. Elbow and forearm exercises are begun on the day after operation and active-assisted shoulder movements 2 weeks later, increasing gradually to active movements at 4–6 weeks. Strenuous lifting movements are avoided for 4–6 months.

Recent advances in instrumentation have made it feasible to perform this type of reconstructive surgery arthroscopically (Snow and Funk, 2006).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


controversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/adj. 有争议的;有争论的

conservative treatment 保守疗法

prominence /ˈprɑːmɪnəns/n. 突出;显著;突出物;卓越

strenuous  /ˈstrenjuəs/adj. 紧张的;费力的;奋发的;艰苦的;热烈的

overarm or overhead activities.手臂或头顶上的活动。

conjoined /kən'dʒɔɪn/v. 结合;联合(conjoin 的过去式和过去分词)adj. 结合的;联合的

autogenous /ɔ'tɑdʒənəs/adj. 自生的;自发的

synthetic /sɪnˈθetɪk/n. 合成物adj. 综合的;合成的,人造的

trans-osseous suture 经骨缝合

entrapment/ɪnˈtræpmənt/n. 诱捕;圈套;截留

Recent advances in instrumentation have made it feasible to perform this type of reconstructive surgery arthroscopically 近年来在器械方面的进展使得在关节镜下进行这种类型的重建手术成为可能。








最近在器械方面的进展使得在关节镜下进行这种重建手术成为可能(Snow and Funk,2006)。

