Daily sentence④①⑥

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


Year after year, everyone has his own story. Only when you see a relaxed mood can you become beautiful. Only when you see a happy mood can you become bright. Tired, intermittent rest, dancing with the wind, quiet, with the gaze of flowers and plants, and their own smile.


Take the wrong road, remember to turn back; love the wrong person, know how to let go. People's hearts are relative, changing the truth from the truth; emotions are mutual, and hearts are warm. It's just a long way to go.


Some people can't shut up and hide things in their hearts. They say what they want, they never run away; they do what they want, they never hesitate. In fact, people who are easily impulsive have the most sincere and pure heart. In fact, people who use emotions are the most concerned and valued people.


Life, by me, happiness, by heart. No matter what you encounter, it is a landscape, an unforgettable, even the most insipid past. Whether brilliant or not, it is a complete life.


When people are in a low mood, they are not interested in anything. They should learn to divert their attention. Now that something has become a fact, try to accept it and face it. A person can not change the world, the world will not change because of you. All one can do is adapt to the world, not compete with others. Your life should be your own glory.


The wind has gone, people have gone, feelings have been broken, the only missing, the only loneliness, how many tears, the sad separation of life, the eyes of love see the sea, the loneliness of flowers blooming and falling, the thoughts of various customs.


Life is always in a painful circle, unable to struggle; unable to get what you want, get and fear losing, always feel that others get more than you get. Everyone of us is trying to write about our lives. This book of life, whether you like it or not, must be written or read. It must be written and read well.


In life, there are too many things can not save themselves, there are too many helpless. The subtle disguise is like a subtle heart. The feeling of the unknown is like an unrecognizable heart.


There is no sense of no quarrel in the world, only a heart that refuses to tolerate; no one in the world will not be angry, only a heart that does not understand forgiveness, you are not important in the hearts of others, you can feel the so-called magnificent turn, have feelings.


Where there is an ideal place, hell is heaven. Where there is hope, pain becomes happiness. In life, what you say may hurt others, but sometimes your silence will hurt more people. Seize the opportunity, leave wholeheartedly and without regret. Whatever happened in the past, the best thing is yet to come.


The happiest thing I've ever seen is meeting you at the most beautiful moment. Even if we can't be together in the end, thank God for letting you appear in my life, let me know, there is such a person in my time, I can never look back, even in the face of the world.


When you have time, try your best to do what you want to do, to be the person you want to be, and to live the life you want to live. The world is always better than you think. Don't lose your life. Happiness is like drinking water. Know yourself passionately and coldly. Your happiness is not in the eyes of others, but in your heart.

