
柯林菲尔德( 西门子的CEO



柯林菲尔德:我有生以来得到的最好的忠告来自家里的一位老朋友,内容大致如下:无论何时,只要你担任了新的职务,在接手工作和被日常的事务陷住之前,先坐下来,靠在靠背上,闭上眼睛,想一想在今后的三两年里你所要实现的目标和所要达成的事项是个什么样子。想通后――一旦心目中有了清晰的图像――开始操作,这样事情的运作才会照准方向。当时,我20多岁,家里的这位朋友Georg Bradl已经80多岁了。他出生在Bavaria,在接受了建筑工人的规范教育后,他在世界各地领人做大型建筑项目。


我永远都没有机会告诉Georg Bradl,他的忠告对我有多么大的帮助了。

Keenly visualize the future.

Kleinfeld: The best advice I ever got was from an old friend of the family’s, and it goes like this: Whenever you take on a new position, before you jump in and get bogged down in the details, sit down, lean back, close your eyes, and think about what you really want to achieve and how you want things to look in a couple of years. And only then—once you have a clear vision in front of your inner eye—start executing so that things will move in that direction. I was in my early 20s at the time, and the family friend, Georg Brandl, was probably in his mid-80s. He had been born in Bavaria, and after receiving a manual education as a construction worker, he went on to lead large construction projects around the world.

When I was working as a consultant on many restructuring projects, this was always the approach I took with the core leadership team. Even though we couldn’t see any end state because there were so many problems in front of us, I would put that aside and say, “okay, what should this look like?” It always started with me as apersonal thing—thinking it through and then drawing people in.

I was never able to tell Georg Brandl how helpful that advice has been.


