
Module  9单词


1、postcard ['pəustka:d]  n. 明信片
2、call [kɔ:l]  vi. 呼叫;给··打电话
3、lie [lai]  vi. 躺,平躺
4、sun [sʌn]  n. 太阳
5、line [lain]  n. 行,排,列
6、take [teik]  vt. 拿,取,花费(时间)
7、take  photos  拍照
8、wait [weit]  vt. 等候;等待
9、wait  for  等待;等候
10、walk [wɔ:k]  vi. 行走,步行
11、trip [trip]  n. 旅行
12、few [fju:]  adj. 很少的;一些;几个
13、a  few  一些;几个
14、sale [seil]  n. 卖;出售
15、on  sale  正在出售
16、enjoy [in'dʒɔi]  vt. 喜爱,享受··的乐趣
17、anyway ['eniwei]  adv. 无论如何;尽管如此
18、back [bæk]  adv. 回到;向后;返回
19、go  back  回去
20、drive [draiv]  v. 驾驶;驾车
21、off [ɒf] prep. 离开;下(飞机、火车、汽车等)
22、get  off  下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)
23、hot  dog  热狗(一种中间加香肠的三明治)
24、leave [li:v]  vi. 离开
25、restaurant ['restərɔŋ] n. 餐馆;饭店
26、moment ['məumənt]  n. (某事发生的)时刻、时候
27、place [pleis]  n. 地点
28、thing [θiŋ]  n. 事情;东西
29、most [məust]  adj. 大部分的,多数的
30、still [stil]  adv. 仍然;依旧
31、star [stɑ:]  n. 星;明星;星状物
32、run [rʌn]  vi. 跑;奔跑
33、study ['stʌdi]  vt. 学习;研究

Module 9 Unit 1课文

Module 9 Unit 2课文


1.stand in line 排队

2.take a photo of... 给......照相

3.wait for a bus 等公共汽车

4.walk on the Great Wall 在长城上走

walk to school/work 走着去学校/上班

walk home 走着回家

5.talk with sb on the phone 在电话里和......说话

6.right now =at the moment =now 现在

7.be with sb 和......在一起

8.be on sale 在出售

9.lie in the sun 躺在阳光下

10.send sth to sb by email 通过电子邮件发送某东西给某人

11.enjoy the trip a lot 非常喜欢这次旅游

12.it’s time to do sth 该做......的时间了

it’stime for sth 该......的时间了

13.go/be on a trip to +地点 参加到......的旅游

14.get off / on 下/上(车,船......)

15.leave work 下班

16.drive to school/work 开车去学校/上班

drive home 开车回家

17.have afternoon tea 喝下午茶

18.have a drink 喝酒,喝饮料

19.go to the theater 去剧院看戏

20.watch a film=see a film 看电影

21.go home from work 下班回家

22.start lessons 开始上课

23.see friends=visit friends 拜访某人,看望某人

24.call home 给家人打电话

25.a few+可数复数 一些......

26.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做.......

27.go back to... 回......

28.hi from... 来自......的问候

29.thank sb for sth 因某事谢谢某人

thank sbfor doing sth 因做某事谢谢某人

30.enjoy the sun 享受阳光

31.look at the homes of ...... 观赏......的房屋

32.a movie star 电影明星

33.a postcard from sb 来自于......的明信片

34.call sb 给......打电话

35.visit the Forbidden City 参观故宫

36.look at maps 看地图

37.have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,过的愉快

38.play/do taijiquan 打太极拳

39.play/do yangge 扭秧歌

40.run for a bus.=run for buses 向公共汽车跑去,去赶公共汽车


1.We’re enjoying the school trip a lot.


2.I’m standing on the Great Wall and talking to you.


3.We’re on a school trip to the Great Wall.


4.Are they with you? 他们和你在一起吗?

5.They are on sale at the shop. 它们在商店里出售。

6.Please take some photos and send them to me.


7.It’s time to go back to school now. 该回校的时间了。

8.At this moment, in different places of theworld, people are doing different things.


9.Hi from Tony. 来自Tony的问候。

10.Thank you for your postcard . 谢谢你的明信片。

Thankyou for sending me a postcard. 谢谢你送明信片给我。

11.We are having a good time. 我们正玩的高兴。


Lingling:lie on the sofa
Her father:read a newspaper
Her mother:cook breakfast
Her brother:play computer games
Her cat:play with a ball
On Sunday morning,Lingling's family are at home.Lingling is lying on the sofa.Her father is reading a newspaper in the study.Her mother is busy now.She is cooking breakfast for the family.Her brother is playing computer games in the bedroom.Where's Lingling's cat,Mimi?Can you see it?Oh,it's playing with a ball on the floor.Look!It's fun.


晚上六点钟,祖父和爸爸在下国际象棋(play chess);祖母在看电视;妈妈在做饭;姐姐在电话上交谈(talk on the phone);哥哥在卧室里边听音乐边看书;我在做作业。
It's six o'clock in the evening. Let's see what my family are doing.Oh,my grandfather and my father are playing chess .My grandmother is watching TV. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My sister is talking on the phone. Where is my brother? He's listening to music and reading a book in the bedroom. I'm doing my homework. Everyone is busy.


