

中国检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率15663.84%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码18416     Ropes and wires缺陷描述Two stern mooring ropes not secured on bitt (kept on warping drum).( MLC 2006 Title 4,)17两条尾缆未固定在bitt上缺陷照片

2澳大利亚检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率5723.5%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码15106     Shipboard operations缺陷描述1.Voyage plan between Gladstone and Brisbane does not meet the requirements of IMO Circ 891(23). No information listed for the frequency and method of position fixing in plan.  172.No evidence that bridge officers have used another means of position fixing on voyage between Gladstone and Brisbane. Bridge officers have relied entirely on ECDIS generated GPS positions. Company Procedure DM-04 requires sufficient navigational points to be plotted.173. Crew unable to demonstrate manual plotting of Radar Range and bearing on ECDIS.17SMS as implemented does not ensure the safety of the vessel crew and enviroment by ensuring that critical shipboard operations are carried out effectively as evidenced by deficiencies 1,2, and 3(30)航路计划,人员操作ECDIS及RDAR三条17缺陷归结为SMS体系缺陷。缺陷照片

Voyage plan. No information in regard to frequency and method of position fixing3日本检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率16520.12%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码03110      Manholes/flush scuttles缺陷描述Manhole hatches on void space no.1 (p and s) and no.2 (p and s) - not secured (Load Lines,) 171/2号空仓人孔盖未上紧。缺陷照片

4俄罗斯检查船舶艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率2300%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码10114      Voyage data recorder (VDR)/Simplified Voyage data recorder(S-VDR)缺陷描述VDR display indicate- audio error ( microphone test failed) (SOLAS ch. V) 15VDR显示audio error错误缺陷照片

210月1日至10月9日典型缺陷1中国检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率1100%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码18324     Cold room, cold room cleanliness, cold room temperature缺陷描述Much ice accumulated on evaporator in meat room.( MLC 2006 Title 3,)15肉库蒸发器上有冰缺陷照片

2澳大利亚检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率3738.1%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码07115      Fire-dampers缺陷描述Engine room fire dampers No.1,3 and 4 seized at open position and not able to be closed. (30)1、2、3、4号机舱风机防火挡板卡在开启位置缺陷照片

3日本检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率15130.19%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码03108     Ventilators, air pipes, casings缺陷描述Air pipe for F.O. tank on starboard side main deck (around FR. #28) - made a big corrosion hole. (approx. 300 mm x 50 mm) (Load Lines, LL66/ANI/R20;) 30右舷燃油舱空气管锈穿缺陷照片

4俄罗斯检查艘次滞留船舶艘次滞留率2010.5%典型缺陷举例缺陷代码10116      Nautical publications缺陷描述Mariner's handbook np100 old edition, nautical almanac for 2017 (np 314) - missing (SOLAS ch. V) 16缺陷照片


