鸡蛋品种和烹饪方法影响鸡蛋营养的利用 | 热心肠日报


Evaluating the effect of cooking and gastrointestinal digestion in modulating the bio-accessibility of different bioactive compounds of eggs



11-13, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

Eggs’ nutritional value has been enhanced by enriching hen’s diet with bioactive compounds, but factors influencing bio-accessibility are unspecified. This study investigated the effect of hen breed, diet enrichment, and cooking methods in modulating the egg compounds’ bio-accessibility after gastrointestinal (GI) digestion. White Leghorn (WLH) and Rhode Island Red (RIR) hens were fed a corn-soybean-based diet enriched with flaxseed and carotenoids; eggs were collected, cooked, and subjected to simulated GI digestion. The results showed that egg proteins were equally digestible with no change in the degree of hydrolysis (DH). The linolenic fatty acid in enriched-cooked samples remained bio-accessible after GI digestion. The lutein bio-accessibility in enriched eggs decreased after GI digestion except in RIR fried sample. Eggs from WLH and RIR achieved similar peptide content after GI digestion. These results elucidate the bio-accessibility of different bioactive compounds in cooked eggs and the use of eggs as potential functional foods.

First Authors:
Emerson Nolasco

Correspondence Authors:
Kaustav Majumder

All Authors:
Emerson Nolasco,Junsi Yang,Ozan Ciftci,Danh C Vu,Sophie Alvarez,Sheila Purdum,Kaustav Majumder

