If you wish to nurture your garden in an enjoyable, simple and sustainable way, then you should opt to build a worm tower.
Soil is essential for garden life. It’s not just something that we walk on, it also nurtures us and many other lives on the planet in some way. Anyone who has a small house plant to a large garden has definitely seen this in action. Plants of every type need living and fertile soil to grow.
Us humans have come to learn that growing the same plants in the same area will eventually diminish the capability of the soil to support the plants. Rotating the crops is not always possible but it is a method that can help. Many people turn to chemical fertilizers. This does help, but why would you want to use your hard earned money on chemicals when there is a great maintainable and effective way for you can cultivate your garden? This is when you should look into building a worm tower.
我们人类已经了解到,在同一地区种植相同的植物最终会削弱土壤提供植物的营养。 轮种作物并非总是可行,但这是一种可以提供帮助的方法。 现在很多人使用化肥来提高土壤, 这暂时确实也有一定的帮助,但是当你有一个很好的可维护的有效的方法来培养你的农园时,你为什么还要花钱使用化肥? 你应该考虑建造一个蠕虫塔。
Worm towers are basically worm farms that you would plant into your garden. By building a worm tower, you will continuously feed your garden and deliver a continuing structure of fertilizer. They are virtually effortless to sustain and very simple to build. More importantly, they are of particularly low cost. So, why do you not have one yet?
蠕虫塔基本上算是一个蠕虫农场。你可以DIY自制一个在你的花园里, 通过建造一座蠕虫塔,你将不断地为你的农园植物提供持续的肥料。 它们几乎不费吹灰之力就能维持土壤,而且建造起来非常简单。更重要的是,它们的成本特别低。那么,你为什么还没有呢?
You Will Need
First, drill 3-4 holes in the PVC that will serve as the perspective bottom half of the worm tower. This is not required but it will help to ensure that the soil is receiving an essential dose of the compost.
First, drill 3-4 holes in the PVC that will serve as the perspective bottom half of the worm tower. This is not required but it will help to ensure that the soil is receiving an essential dose of the compost.
首先,在PVC中钻3-4个孔,作为蠕虫塔的渗透下半部分。 这不是必需的,但它将有助于确保土壤接收必需剂量的堆肥。
Next you will need to bury the pipe. It needs to be standing upright, and deep enough so that it is completely stable. At this point, you need to pack the soil around the pipe but not in it. The spot that you choose should be the most convenient for you to frequently add organic matter.
接下来你需要把PVC管埋在土里,它需要直立,并且足够深,使其完全稳定,但不要在PVC管道里添加土壤。 选择安装地点应该是你添加有机物质最方便的地方。
After step two you will need to add the manure just until the pipe is half full. The amount will depend on your pipe size.
Next you will add the worms. Be sure to use compost worms.
接下来,你将添加蠕虫。 一定要使用堆肥蠕虫。
Preserving this elegant ecological fertilization is easy. If there is something to eat and the atmosphere is moist, the compost worms will not wander away. Every few days or so, bring the worms some vegetable leftovers and grass ends. Leave some wet cardboard and newspaper to keep the worm tower moist. This is important for feeding the worms. This will help keep them content so they can multiply, leading to a whole new worm tower.
The compost worms will enjoy having a safe home where there is always delicious food. By providing you with worm casing and juice, which are in fact very nurturing for the soil and plants, they are thanking you.
Building a worm tower takes only thirty minutes to construct. Your tower can nurture your garden very soon.
垃圾也能赚钱?而且是多头赚钱?这是不是天方夜谭?不错,这个想法听上去确实有点异想天开,但是汤姆& cmiddot;萨基却创造了这样的奇迹,把它变成了现实!《蚯蚓创业记》讲的就是这位大一的学生如何变废为宝、如何创业的故事。在书中,萨基将向你娓娓讲述他在创业的过程中所经历的种种困境,其间险象环生,而每一次在紧要关头都化险为夷。请你打开此书,和他一起分享其中的酸甜苦辣吧!