日课|美文:On Rising from the Ashes of Failure


On Rising from the Ashes of Failure

A setback has often cleared the way for greater prosperity. Many things have fallen only to rise to more exalted heights.
—Seneca the Younger
No matter how self-disciplined you are, there’s no escaping the fact that sometimes you’ll stumble. Perhaps you’ll eat a piece of cake instead of a salad. Maybe you’ll skip a workout out of laziness. It’s possible that when your efforts result in a failure, you’ll lose the self-discipline to continue and revert back to your old undesirable habits.
It’s all par for the course, and the sooner you accept it, the easier it will be to handle the setbacks once they occur. However, don’t consider your failures a useless waste of time and energy; a failure can often present new opportunities or lead to important realizations.
I failed to learn how to play tennis despite putting considerable amount of time, energy, and money into it. However, this made me realize that I wanted to concentrate on rock climbing, and the failure with tennis cleared the way for dramatic improvements in my climbing performance.
When discouraged, remember that all struggles present opportunities that, given enough time, you can convert into successes or lessons that will aid you in other areas of life.
  1. setback 挫折;阻碍

  2. prosperity 兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛

  3. exalted 地位高的

  4. stumble 绊脚;失败

  5. revert 恢复;回复(到以前的状态、制度或行为)

  6. undesirable 不想要的;不得人心的;易惹麻烦的

  7. par for the course 不出所料;果不其然

  8. realization 认识;领会;领悟

  9. considerable 相当多(或大、重要等)的

  10. dramatic 突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的

  11. convert (使)转变;转换;转化

  12. enroll 吸收(成员),加入

  13. regain 重新获得,恢复(能力或品质等)

  14. reevaluate 重新考虑;再评价;再评估

  15. resentful 感到气愤的;憎恨的;愤慨的

  16. roll up your sleeves 撸起袖子准备大干一场;卷起袖子

  17. proverbial 谚语的;如谚语所说的

  18. momentum 推进力;动力;(物理学中的)动量,冲量



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