青铜时代的高科技:乌尔王陵的稀世遗珍之一 考古学家查尔斯·伦纳德·伍利爵士Charles Leona...
考古学家查尔斯·伦纳德·伍利Charles Leonard Woolley
查尔斯·伦纳德·伍利(Charles Leonard Woolley,1880年4月17日-1960年2月20日)是英国考古学家,以在美索不达米亚乌尔王陵的发掘而闻名。他被认为是第一批“现代”考古学家之一,他们有系统地挖掘,保存仔细的记录,并利用它们重建古代生活和历史。Woolley在1935年被封为爵士,因为他对考古学学科的贡献。他与英国考古学家凯瑟琳结婚。
1905年,Woolley成为牛津大学阿什莫林博物馆的助理。1906年,在亚瑟·埃文斯的号召下,Woolley自愿跟随弗朗西斯·哈弗,在罗马遗址Corbridge(靠近哈德良长城)从事挖掘工作,在那里开始了他的挖掘生涯。Wooley后来回忆称“我从未从书中学习过考古方法……我不知道如何做调查或平面图”。尽管如此,在他的监督下,他们发现了Corbridge Lion。

♠ 英国诺森伯兰郡的科布里奇狮子Corbridge Lion,古罗马时代的砂岩雕塑,底座是一只圆顶的动物(可能是鹿),一只雄狮子站在它身上。长0.95m,宽0.36m,高0.87m,最初是坟墓的装饰(象征死亡对生命的征服)。在科布里奇发现了四只石狮,其中两只在罗马城镇以西的陵墓中(吉拉姆和丹尼尔斯1961),一只建在村里的墙上(菲利普斯1977:32),另一只在19世纪早期巴塞洛缪·拉姆利拥有的私人博物馆(狄金森2000:114),其后丢失了。
随后,Woolley与大卫·兰德尔-马西弗一起,在宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆的赞助下,前往努比亚进行了 Eckley Coxe Expedition探险活动。1907年至1911年,他们在 Karanog地区的Areika、Buhen和Meroitic town等遗址进行了考古发掘和调查。


♠ Woolley关于karanog的著作
在1912-1914年,在T.E.劳伦斯的帮助下,他挖掘了赫梯城市卡切米什 Carchemish。在此期间,劳伦斯和Woolley的主要实际上是为英国海军情报部门工作,监督德国在柏林到巴格达的铁路建设。

♠ 1912年至1914年,Woolley(右)和T.E.劳伦斯在卡切米什Carchemish挖掘了一块赫梯石板

♠ Woolley从坟墓中移出了一个埋葬的雕像
英国考古学家和作家格特鲁德·贝尔Gertrude Bell曾这样评价他:
Dead Towns and Living Men. Being Pages From An Antiquary's Notebook, Jonathan Cape, 1920
The Excavations at Ur and the Hebrew Records, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1929
Digging Up The Past, 1930 , based on talks originally broadcast by the BBC
Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins, Faber and Faber London, 1936
Syria as a Link Between East and West, 1936
Ur: The first phases, Penguin Books Harmondsworth, 1946
Ur of the Chaldees, Ernest Benn Limited, 1938 [1929] republished by Penguin Books, revised 1950, 1952
A Forgotten Kingdom, Penguin Books, 1953
Spadework: Adventures in Archaeology, 1953
Excavations at Ur: A Record of 12 Years' Work, 1954
Alalakh, An Account of the Excavations at Tell, Oxford University Press, 1955
History of Mankind, 1963 (with Jaquetta Hawkes)
The Sumerians, 1965
1. C.L. Woolley and P.R.S. Moorey, Ur of the Chaldees, revised edition (Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1982).
2. M. Roaf, Cultural atlas of Mesopotamia (New York, 1990).
3. N. Postgate,Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of History (London, 1994).
4. D. Collon, Ancient Near Eastern Art (London, 1995).
5. R. Zettler, and L. Horne, (eds.) Treasures from the Royal Tomb at Ur (Philadelphia, 1998).
6. Miller NF. 1999 Date sex in Mesopotamia! Expedition 41(1):29-30.
7. Reade J. 2001. Assyrian King-Lists, the Royal Tombs of Ur, and Indus Origins. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60(1):1-29.
8. Irving A and Ambers J. 2002 Hidden Treasure from the Royal Cemetery at Ur: Technology Sheds New Light on the Ancient Near East. Near Eastern Archaeology 65(3):206-213.
9. Molleson T and Hodgson D. 2003 The Human Remains from Woolley's Excavations at Ur. Iraq 6591-129.
10. K.Aruz, Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (New York, 2003).
11. H. Crawford, Sumer and Sumerians(Cambridge, 2004).
12. N. Yoffee, Myths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilization (Cambridge, 2005).
13. Rawcliffe C, Aston M, Lowings A, Sharp MC, and Watkins KG. 2005. Laser Engraving Gulf Pearl Shell--Aiding the Reconstruction of the Lyre of Ur. Lacona VI.
14. Dickson DB. 2006 Public Transcripts Expressed in Theatres of Cruelty: the Royal Graves at Ur in Mesopotamia. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16(2):123–144.
15. Gansell AR. 2007 Identity and Adornment in the Third-millennium bc Mesopotamian 'Royal Cemetery’ at Ur. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 17(1):29–46.
16. Pollock S. 2007. The Royal Cemetery of Ur: Ritual, Tradition, and the Creation of Subjects. pp 89-110 InRepresentations of Political Power: Case Histories from Times of Change and Dissolving Order in the Ancient Near East, Marlies Heinz and Marian H. Feldman, editors. Eisenbrauns: Winona Lake, Indiana.
17. McCaffrey K. 2008. The Female Kings of Ur. pp. 173-215 in Gender Through Time in the Ancient Near East, Diane R. Bolger, editor. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland.
18. Tengberg M, Potts, DT, Francfort H-P. 2008. The golden leaves of Ur. Antiquity 82:925-936.
19. Cheng J. 2009. A review of Early Dynastic III music: Man’s animal call. Journal of Near Eastern Studies68(3):163-178.
20. Baadsgaard A, Monge J, Cox S, and Zettler RL. 2011. Human sacrifice and intentional corpse preservation in the Royal Cemetery of Ur. Antiquity 85(327):27-42.
http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/tombs/home_set.html 可以看到王陵布局和文物出土的位置
Penn Museum: http://www.penn.museum/sites/iraq/?page_id=28
Sumarian Shakespeare: http://sumerianshakespeare.com
Cause of Death of Attendants: http://www.penn.museum/sites/iraq/?page_id=233
Elizabeth Smith: http://elizabethjsmithart.blogspot.com/2009/09/rare-books-tour-phila-free.html
Royal Tombs of Ur: http://sumerianshakespeare.com/117701/117801.html
Puabi's Jewelry, Kim Benzel: http: //academiccommons.columbia.edu
Open Context: http://opencontext.org/subjects/GHF1SPA0000077950