嘿,4.26一起做个2.6挑战吗?Shall we go for a 2.6 Challenge on 26th April?

this screenshot comes from my email and if you are interested, go to:
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This post is inspired by the London Marathon 2.6 challenge.
I want to write this down so that this fun and meaningful fundraising event can be known to more people, also invite friends and colleagues across the world (my target is 26, but of course I will also be happy for 260, even happier if 2626, or bigger numbers...) to choose one or more challenges for themselves as well as passing on to their friends and colleagues.
I will introduce how you can show your support to my 2.6
“The 2.6 Challenge can be anything that works for you,” says Nick Rusling, Co-Chair of the Mass Participation Sports Organisers group (MSO) and CEO of Human Race. “You can run or walk 2.6 miles, 2.6km or for 26 minutes. You could do the same in your home or garden, go up and down the stairs 26 times, juggle for 2.6 minutes, do a 26 minute exercise class or get 26 people on a video call and do a 26 minute workout – anything you like. We want people to get active, have fun and raise money to help Save the UK’s Charities by giving money or raising funds for the charity close to your heart.”
“2.6挑战可以是任何对你来说可行的事情”,参与体育组织者团队(译者注:中文译名是我自己直译的,并不是官方译名,以英文为准)的主席兼人类运动(与之前译者注相同)的首席执行官Nick Rusling说到:“你可以跑或者走2.6英里,2.6公里或者26分钟。你可以在你家里或者花园里,上下楼梯26次,运动2.6分钟,参加一个26分钟的锻炼课程或者找26个人来打一个视频电话,或者做一个26分钟的运动— 任何你喜欢的事情都可以。我们想让人们动起来,找到乐趣并且募集资金来帮助拯救我们英国的慈善机构,通过捐钱或者给你选择的机构募资来完成。”
“For many of the UK’s charities, the day of the London Marathon is the biggest fundraising day of the year,” said Hugh Brasher, Co-Chair of MSO and Event Director of London Marathon Events. “One of the founding pillars of the London Marathon was 'to show how the family of mankind can be united’. We hope that The 2.6 Challenge, which starts on the day our 40th Race should have taken place, will embody that spirit and inspire people, families and communities to fundraise for their chosen charity to help Save the UK’s Charities. Right now, our vulnerable members of society need the help of charities more than ever before. We are asking everyone to create a 2.6 Challenge of their own and raise funds or pledge a donation.”
“对很多英国的慈善机构来说,伦敦马拉松这天是一年中最大的募资日”,Hugh Brasher,MSO的联合主席以及伦敦马拉松赛事的活动执行长说:“伦敦马拉松建基的其中一个支柱就是要'显示人类大家庭可以联合起来’。我们希望通过这个2.6挑战,在我们40周年伦马纪念日这一天可以,可以继续承载着这样的精神,激励更多人、更多家庭、更多社群来为他们选择的慈善机构募资,来帮助拯救英国的慈善机构。目前我们社会中脆弱的成员们比以往更需要这些慈善机构的帮助。我们请求每一个人都创立一个他们自己的2.6挑战网页来为筹集更多捐赠。”
How to show your support for me?
1.Get active: On 26th April 2020, you do something you like and you are capable of in relation to the 2.6 challenge
Later in this article I list and translated some challenges, and there are plenty if you search the hashtag on any social media, and if nothing special hits you yet, you are welcome to choose what has been listed, and to make it more fun, choose your lucky number, or pick one with your eyes closed.
2.Share: Tell me what 2.6 challenge you have done and would appreciate if you have photo or video.
在征得你允许的情况下(当然你可以拒绝),为了让更多人看到我们的行动,感染更多人也动起来,我想把你的2.6挑战分享在社交媒体上GEO,以及我的Facebook, Instagram和Twitter。当然也很欢迎你自己发!
And with your permission (of course you can no), to let more people know that we are doing something, to inspire and reach out more people, I would like to share your 2.6 challenge at all the social medias I have: wechat official account GEO, and my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Of course, you are most welcome if you want to post by yourself too!
3. Donate: If you are willing to donate, welcome to my fundraising page:

可以直接复制粘贴链接 you can also just copy and paste the link:
Here are some inspirations for your 2.6 challenge:

图源 source: https://www.twopointsixchallenge.co.uk/inspiration.html?_cldee=bWlhb3h4MTdAZ21haWwuY29t&recipientid=lead-9e04cef1f277ea11a811000d3a86b1cd-e7fb172313fa47c48bf405f7aa9fcbd1&esid=15bb0f8d-8684-ea11-a811-000d3a86d7a8
Do 26 press-ups or 260
Get 26 pals together for an online workout- for 26 minutes
hula hoops 26 times
Walk up and down your stairs 26 times
complete 26 laps of the gardens on foot, scooter, or roller skates
Do 26 Star jumps
Hold the plank for 26 seconds or 2.6 minutes (156 seconds)
Stretch with 26 minutes of pilates or yoya
Do 26 cartwheels
Take your dog for a 26 minute walk
Put on some music and dance for 26 minutes
Run up and down your front path 26 times
Bike ride for 2.6 miles or kms
Walk 2.6km around your house (in fancy dress if you like)
Jump 26 times on a trampoline
Complete 26 shoulder shrugs
Try 26 sofa-triceps dips
Run 2.6 miles or kms (indoors, outdoors or on the spot!)
Throw and catch a ball 26 times
Do some gardening for 26 minutes
Hop on each leg 26 times
我还能想到的 I can still think of:
robeskipping 26 times or 260 times
Sit-up for 26 times
26 Burpees
Here are 3 screenshots from the email I received and I am very willing to forward you the message if you are interested: