【新刊速递】《欧洲国际关系杂志》(EJIR), Vol.27, Issue 2, 2021.


【编译】赵雷 姚博文 王嘉许 何伊楠

The Organizational Ecology of Global Governance
Hegemonic Instability: Complex Interdependence and the Dynamics of Financial Crisis in the Contemporary International System
How Do Regional Parties Influence Foreign Policy? Insights from Multilevel Coalitional Bargaining in India
Explaining Elite Perceptions of Legitimacy in Global Governance
【题目】The Organizational Ecology of Global Governance
【作者】David A. Lake,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校政治科学杰出教授,曾任美国政治学会主席、国际研究协会主席、《国际组织》杂志共同主编,主要研究领域涉及地区秩序、国际关系中的等级制、政治经济学等。
The ecology of governance organizations (GOs) matters for what is or is not governed, what legitimate powers any governor may hold, and whose political preferences are instantiated in rules. The array of actors who comprise the current system of global governance has grown dramatically in recent decades. Especially notable has been the growth of private governance organizations (PGOs). Drawing on organizational ecology, I posit that the rise of PGOs is both required and facilitated by disagreements between states that block the creation of what might be otherwise effective intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). In a form of “double-negative regulation,” states block IGOs, which in turn leave open niches that are then filled by PGOs, which then both complement and sometimes substitute for state law. The organizational ecology approach outlined here extends and refocuses inquiry in systematic ways that give us a fuller understanding of how and why PGOs have emerged as one of the most striking features of the contemporary world order. The key innovations in this paper are to (a) shift the level of analysis from single agents or populations of agents to the entire field of GOs, including states, IGOs, and PGOs and (b) draw on principles of ecology to understand the composition and dynamics of systems of governance.
【题目】Hegemonic Instability: Complex Interdependence and the Dynamics of Financial Crisis in the Contemporary International System
【作者】Heather-Leigh Ba,密苏里大学政治学系助理教授,主要研究领域包括国际政治经济学、美国外交政策与美国总统。
International Relations scholars have long recognized the need to study the complex interdependencies of the international economy in order to understand the economic sources of national power and influence. Renewed interest in the patterns of international economic interdependencies and the structure of globalization has led scholars to a better, more empirically grounded understanding of the significance of complex interdependence for the evolution of international power. This paper examines the effect of one important and persistent characteristic of complex interdependence, American centrality within the international banking system, and argues that changes in the US financial cycle drive international financial volatility and crisis. These dynamics comprise the underbelly of American financial hegemony and pose a fundamental challenge to US leadership in the contemporary liberal international order. Financial stability is key to economic growth, which in turn perpetuates liberal political norms and institutions. Financial instability, on the other hand, breeds political discontent, which may take the form of populism or nationalism. The ability and willingness of the United States to reign in its own financial system may be key to ensuring that the liberal international system it established 75 years ago survives and thrives in the coming decades.
【题目】How Do Regional Parties Influence Foreign Policy? Insights from Multilevel Coalitional Bargaining in India
【作者】Nicolas Blarel,荷兰莱顿大学国际关系学副教授,主要研究领域为外交政策与南亚安全问题,印度与中东关系等。曾任法国外交部政策规划人员,负责阿富汗、南亚和核扩散等问题。现任新德里国防与分析研究所(IDSA)客座研究员;Niels Van Willigen,荷兰莱顿大学国际关系学副教授,曾参与北约“欧洲安全与防务身份”研究计划,现任全球治理研究所和平与安全部门高级分析师。主要研究领域包括国际关系理论、外交政策分析、安全研究(和平行动、军备控制和欧洲安全)与国际法。
When and how do regional parties influence foreign policy in federal democracies with multiparty coalition governments? The existing literature has focused on situations of foreign policy disagreements between subnational parties and the central government in multinational states. By contrast, we argue that under varying conditions, central governments either decide to accommodate the preferences of small regional parties when designing foreign policies, or co-opt these regional parties to push their own foreign policy agenda. Some scholars looked at the role of decentralization and federal power arrangements in providing more control to political sub-units over the external affairs of a state. Other studies showed that certain coalition-building configurations facilitated the inclusion of the concerns of small parties in the foreign policy debate. Bridging these two literatures, we argue that both structural and agential conditions behind regional and national coalition building processes—visible in federal settings—affect foreign policy-making in different ways, and not necessarily toward disagreement and obstruction. To illustrate these hypothesized mechanisms, we look at two case studies in the Indian context: the role of regional parties in the debate over the US–India nuclear deal of 2008 and the role of regional parties in shaping India’s Sri Lanka policy from 2009 to 2014.
【题目】Explaining Elite Perceptions of Legitimacy in Global Governance
【作者】Soetkin Verhaegen,马斯特里赫特大学政治学系助理教授,研究领域主要为地区、国际政府及机构;Jan Aart Scholte,莱顿大学教授,研究领域包括全球化和社会变革、多中心治理、全球治理的合法性、全球民主、全球政治的公民社会以及互联网治理;Jonas Tallberg,斯德哥尔摩大学政治学系教授,研究领域主要为全球治理与欧盟政治。
Elites are central in creating, operating, defending and contesting international organisations (IOs), but little research is available about their attitudes toward these bodies. To address this gap, this article offers the first systematic and comparative analysis of elite perceptions of IO legitimacy. Building on a unique multi-country and multi-sector survey of 860 elites undertaken in 2017–19, we map and explain elite legitimacy beliefs toward three key IOs in different issue-areas: the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Integrating public opinion research and international relations theory, the article advances an explanation of elites’ legitimacy beliefs that emphasises their satisfaction with the institutional qualities of IOs. We contrast this argument with three common alternative explanations, which respectively highlight utilitarian calculation, global orientation and domestic cues. The analyses show that elites’ satisfaction with institutional qualities of IOs is most consistently related to legitimacy beliefs: when elites are more satisfied with democracy, effectiveness and fairness in IOs, they also regard these IOs as more legitimate. These findings suggest that the prevailing debate between utilitarian calculation, global orientation and domestic cues approaches neglects the importance of institutional satisfaction as an explanation of attitudes toward IOs.