ALKERMES启动 ALKS-4230联合KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab)治疗进展性实体瘤的1期临床,原文内容见最后,标题看下来,首先是一个问题:什么是ALKS-4230?
直接copy Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl
ALKS 4230 is an engineered fusion protein comprised of a circularly permuted interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-2 Receptor (IL-2R) α designed to selectively activate the intermediate-affinity (ia) IL-2R, comprised of IL-2Rβ and γc. The iaIL-2R is expressed predominantly on effector lymphocytes, which play an important role in driving antitumor immune responses. In contrast, unmodified IL-2 activates high-affinity (ha) IL-2R, driving the expansion of haIL-2R-expressing cell types including immunosuppressive CD4+ regulatory T (Treg) cells at concentrations below those at which iaIL-2R bearing effector cells are activated. Also, the haIL-2R is expressed on endothelial cells and may contribute to IL-2 mediated toxicity via capillary leak syndrome. Thus, selective activation of the iaIL-2R by ALKS 4230 has the potential to provide enhanced tumor killing as well as improved tolerability.
看到IL-2之后,大家肯定会想起NKTR-214,ALKS-4230和NKTR-214都是通过对IL-2的修饰或改造,使其能够相对特异性的结合表达在NK细胞及CD8+T细胞表面的IL2受体复合物(IL2R β/γ or CD122/CD132)来激活免疫系统,和PD-1单抗合用会有好的协同作用。
β亚基(IL-2Rβ即CD122)和γ亚基(IL-2Rγ即CD132)组成中等亲和力受体,Kd~1nM,其中IL-2Rβ结合IL2亲和力很低Kd~100nM,而IL-2γ单独几乎不结合IL-2,IL-2Rβ/γ受体主要表达在NK细胞或者CD8+ T细胞表面;
IL-2Rβ/γ 在结合IL-2后活化JAK-1和JAK-3 ,激活细胞内信号转导通路从而发挥生物学效应,因此对不同细胞各异的生物学效应与其复杂的信号转导机制有关。
IL-2是最早的免疫治疗药物,20世纪90年代FDA就批准IL-2用于晚期肾癌和恶黑,ORR 15%-20%,5年OS 10-15%,但IL-2剂量高且副作用很大,会引起严重的低血压和血管渗漏综合征,必须住院密切观察,因此限制了临床的大规模使用。
那下面来看NKTR-214,在IL-2上修饰6个PEG分子,形成了无活性的前药(prodrug,紫色),给患者注射之后,PEG会从前药会逐渐脱落,形成了有活性的2-PEG和1-PEG的形式(绿色),这个过程都是不可逆的。活性药物会偏向和CD122亚基结合(bias CD122),从而更容易激活NK细胞和CD8+ T细胞,提升抗肿瘤免疫,而不是激活Treg细胞来抑制免疫。
为什么bias CD122?其实应该是“The PEG chains on NKTR-214 are located at the region of IL2 that contacts the alpha (α) subunit of the heterotrimeric IL2 receptor complex, IL2Rαβγ, reducing its ability to bind and activate the heterotrimer.”保留的PEG分子对结合IL-2Rαβγ的影响力更大,但是对结合IL-2Rβγ的影响较小,下表格中用IL-2Rαβ和IL-2Rβ模拟IL-2Rαβγ和IL-2Rβγ。

最后来看主角ALKS-4230,ALKERMES用了circularly permuted即环状结构重组的方法来构建全新的IL-2。环状结构重组原本是将蛋白质中原本的N与C端被相接,然后在另一处产生开口,原有的结构与活性在新蛋白中得到部分保留,同时在一些结构或功能上又区别于原来的蛋白。
但参考他家专利US20130336924A1(Ligands Modified by Circular Permutation as Agonists and Antagonists),改造基于晶体结构2B5I,具体细节如下描述:
首先生成IL2的一个vriant,最终是IL-2 variant融合到IL-2Rα的N端,定义IL-2的95和94位氨基酸为新的N和C末端,这是将C端通过2个氨基酸的linker连接到IL--2原本N端的第4个氨基酸,这时产生的C末端(即原来的94位氨基酸)通过一个6个氨基酸的间隔序列融合到IL-2Rα的N端,最后在IL-2Rα的C端加上一个人Ig G1 型Fc片段,这个就是最早的RDB1405,也就是现在的ALKS-4230。


因此整个ALKS-2430就可以较高亲和力去特异性激活那些不表达IL-2Rα的细胞表面的IL-2R,这部分细胞主要NK和CD8+ T细胞,机制的方向上和NKTR-214是相反的。


-- Ongoing Phase 1 Study Expanded to Assess Safety and Anti-Tumor Activity of ALKS 4230 With Pembrolizumab in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors --
DUBLIN, Sept. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Alkermes plc (Nasdaq: ALKS) today announced that it has expanded its ongoing phase 1 study for ALKS 4230, the company's immuno-oncology drug candidate, to evaluate its safety and anti-tumor activity when administered in combination with the FDA-approved PD-1 inhibitor KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in patients with advanced solid tumors. ALKS 4230 is an engineered fusion protein designed to preferentially bind and signal through the intermediate affinity interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor complex, thereby selectively activating and increasing the number of immunostimulatory tumor-killing immune cells while avoiding the expansion of immunosuppressive cells that interfere with anti-tumor response. Pembrolizumab is an anti-PD-1 therapy that works by increasing the ability of the body's immune system to help detect and fight tumor cells.
"The emergence of therapeutics targeting the PD-1 pathway has revolutionized the field of oncology, yet there remains significant opportunity to improve the clinical benefit of checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of solid tumors. There is strong scientific rationale supporting the combination of PD-1 pathway inhibition with cytokine therapy such as ALKS 4230 to activate the body's own immune system to fight cancer, and the potential synergies of ALKS 4230 and pembrolizumab on anti-tumor activity may expand treatment options for patients in a variety of tumor settings," said Craig Hopkinson, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Medicines Development and Medical Affairs at Alkermes. "We've accelerated clinical evaluation of ALKS 4230 in combination with pembrolizumab based on data from our ongoing monotherapy dose-escalation stage of the phase 1 study, where ALKS 4230 demonstrated dose-dependent pharmacodynamic effects on circulating natural killer cells and CD8+ T cells, and minimal and non-dose dependent effects on immunosuppressive regulatory T cells. These data validate our design rationale for ALKS 4230, and we look forward to sharing initial data from our dose-escalation cohorts at a medical meeting later this year."
Evaluation of the safety and anti-tumor activity of ALKS 4230 in combination with pembrolizumab will be assessed in certain PD-1 approved tumor types in both refractory and treatment naïve patients, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, gastric cancer, urothelial carcinoma and microsatellite instability-high cancers. Melanoma and renal cell carcinoma will also be evaluated in the cohort of treatment naïve patients. The combination of ALKS 4230 and pembrolizumab will also be assessed in certain PD-1 unapproved tumor types, including colorectal cancer, triple-negative breast cancer, ovarian carcinoma, soft tissue sarcomas, and patients with metastatic NSCLC whose tumors express low or undetectable PD-L1 (tumor proportion score <1%).