罗伯特·纳瓦(Robert Nava)Works

Robert Nava, Water Heart Cat, 2020, Acrylic and grease pencil on canvas, 84" × 72" (213.4 cm × 182.9 cm) © Robert Nava


An eccentric painter of the British Isles, born in Dublin, Ireland, since the 1940s. Often with deformed images or sick characters as the theme, depict some disgusting images.
Robert Nava's works show a new contemporary myth. His fantasy beast, partly from childlike fantasy and partly from expressionism, makes full use of the intersection of humor and threat. By skillfully using spray paint and oily materials, Nava's creatures are lifelike on the canvas. We are very excited about his joining pace. He is the leader of his generation of artists, and we look forward to strongly supporting his artistic evolution.
In order to develop his uncompromising personal style, Nava first abandoned the rules and traditional attitudes he learned when he received his master's degree in the Art Department of Yale University, This attitude made his works rated as disrespectful "bad" paintings - a concept first proposed by Marcia Tucker, the founding curator of the new museum in New York in 1978. Nevertheless, Nava's hybrid monsters, from dragon like creatures to angel like images, are thoughtful synthetic products, which are constantly processed and reshaped by the artist in his sketch book.

罗伯特·纳瓦(Robert Nava)Works

